How can you tell the difference between Koi and Goldfish ?

How can you tell the difference between Koi and Goldfish ?

    How can you tell the difference between Koi and Goldfish ?

    How can you tell the difference between Koi and Goldfish ?...
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    • How can you tell the difference between Koi and Goldfish ?

      How can you tell the difference between Koi and Goldfish ? Other Pet Discussions
      How can you tell the difference between Koi and Goldfish ?

      How can you tell the difference between Koi and Goldfish ?

      How can you tell the difference between Koi and Goldfish ? Other Pet Discussions
    • Very diffferent shape...Koi come in two looks like a nuclear sub, the other has a pointy boney head. Gold fish come in a lot of shapes, but none of them look like a koi. Koi fish look sort of like a comet goldfish, but are fatter in the center, have a rounder front end on good ones. I will admit that...there are times when it is hard to tell, but overall, there are distinct differences in even the smaller fish. Larger Koi are very different than gold fish. The differences are very obvious. Good luck

    • Actually both are Chinese carps belong to the family Cyprinidae one of the largest family of fresh water fishes, All the barbs, puntius are from this group. I do agree that often there will be some confusion to identfy the Koi and Gold fish. Though they belong to different genera. there are reports having cross bread individuals. It is very difficult to identify especially in the young age. One striking difference is almost all gold fish scales are very shiny and koi may be colourful but not so shiny. The second important feature is Koi will grow very fast but gold fish comparatively low. The caudal fin of Koi always will be simple but gold fish mostly it is fan like. When you are selecting very small fishes, this can be easily noticed.If you need only gold fish select those have fan type caudal fin. Koi colour patches are not soo unique and attractive like gold fish but except the variety calico most of the gold fishes have definite and attractive patterns.Koi is ideal only for garden pools but gold fish can be from small indoor tanks to garden pools. Koi's basic stucture is very similar to Common carp and doenot have a pot belly similar to gold fish, Koi is more or less spindle shape with longer body than caudal fin but gold fish especially if they are young, caudal fin length is equal to the body length except in one or two cases. Gold fish body width wlll come down immediately after the stomach and form tail. But koi posterior part slowly narrow down to have a caudal peduncle to form a simple tail. I hope it may be clear now.