How do you get over a pet when they die?

My rabbit Beyonce just on Memorial Day and i still cam't get over it. We barried it and everything, but I still sad about the fact that ahe ia gone.

    How do you get over a pet when they die?

    My rabbit Beyonce just on Memorial Day and i still cam't get over it. We barried it and everything, but I still sad about the fact that ahe ia gone....
    Other Pet Discussions : How do you get over a pet when they die?...

    • How do you get over a pet when they die?

      How do you get over a pet when they die? Other Pet Discussions
      My rabbit Beyonce just on Memorial Day and i still cam't get over it. We barried it and everything, but I still sad about the fact that ahe ia gone.

      How do you get over a pet when they die?

      How do you get over a pet when they die? Other Pet Discussions
    • Even though it doesn't seem like it now, time does heal. Remember that you spent some happy times with your pet. Death is part of life, and we all have to deal with it sometimes. As the days go by you will begin to feel less sad, and someday you may even think about getting another pet when the time is right. To take your mind off your sadness, are you old enough to volunteer at your local animal shelter? It might help you to work with some animals who need a friend.

    • you try to do some other things then having the dead animal in your mind when my dog died i thought i could never get over it but i went to hang out with my friends and it really helped so i think that would be good for you.Good Luck

    • youre gonna think im mean for saying this but I mean it in the sincere way, get another pet. It helps you to learn to care for something else and makes you feel better you can give love and care to another creature. Sorry for your loss! :(

    • I am so sorry to hear about your rabbit. It is a sad time for you I know,Please don't le people tell you oh get over it already or move on now. The fact is when you lose someone you love you miss them. No one can tell you how long it will take you to get past this sad time. What I can offer from experience is let yourself grieve and mourn your loss. Only you can say when you are ready to move on. I'll pray for you and your bunny. Good Luck to you.

    • i dont you ever get over the loss of a pet because they grow with us as FAMILY and you never get over family..but time does take the hurt further back in your mind..I had a yorkie that i had for 9 years and he died 1 year 4 months ago and i want to get another dog my boyfriend is having a problem of letting me have one but I think a good way of healing is to get another pet you can devote your love to that will fill the wishes...Sha

    • Only time will heal that wound. When my dog died I couldn't stand the void he left behind and got another dog. It made it easier even though I still miss him (almost 2 yrs later). But having another pet fills that void and gives you something else to love. Don't feel guilty. You're not 'replacing' him, just giving a happy life to another pet.

    • Have you ever heard of the "Rainbow Bridge"? It's where pets go when they pass and they are well, no more pain, just fun and games until some day the person that loved them gets there and they cross into heaven together. Little corny I know, but it helps when you're really sad.Check it out: