What works to eliminate tear stains on white dogs and cats?

My Bichon has terrible tear stains. Anyone know how to get rid of them? I tried tear stain cleaners from PetSmart and it made the stains spread. He's on great food. Human-grade. 6 star food.Thanks! Maybe it is the water. I was giving him tap water. I…

    What works to eliminate tear stains on white dogs and cats?

    My Bichon has terrible tear stains. Anyone know how to get rid of them? I tried tear stain cleaners from PetSmart and it made the stains spread. He's on great food. Human-grade. 6 star food.Thanks! Maybe it is the water. I was giving him tap water. I…...
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    • What works to eliminate tear stains on white dogs and cats?

      What works to eliminate tear stains on white dogs and cats? Other Pet Discussions
      My Bichon has terrible tear stains. Anyone know how to get rid of them? I tried tear stain cleaners from PetSmart and it made the stains spread. He's on great food. Human-grade. 6 star food.Thanks! Maybe it is the water. I was giving him tap water. I will give him Brita instead now.

      What works to eliminate tear stains on white dogs and cats?

      What works to eliminate tear stains on white dogs and cats? Other Pet Discussions
    • Hi. I seem to remember my son's dog (pure white american staffordshire) used to have really awful tear stains. When Drew took him to the vet to ask for advice about this the vet suggested making a weak solution of tea (using tea bags). Brew the tea in boiling water and let it go cool. Just bathe the solution using cotton pads over your dogs eyes. It won't sting and is harmless. I remember it worked really well over the long term for my son's dog.Hope this helps.

    • I haven't found anything that actually removes the stains. What works for me is to wipe the gunk away from their eyes every day before it stains and every now and again I cut away the stained hairs.

    • My pug & shit-tzu had tear stain problems - one of the rescue folks informed me to try different food and distilled water....so I moved them to nutro small bites and the stains are gone. I returned them to normal water without any issues, but everyone's tap water is different so that could be a cause...i also wash their faces with a warm cloth every other day or so to keep the area clean.Many of the stain removers bought in stores have antibiotics

    • It is a well Known fact that Vinegar helps tear stains.I have a bichon also, and when i change her water i put 1-2 drops of vinegar in her water. I started doing this about a year ago beacuse the tear stains were getting bad, and i havnt had any trouble since.Also ive bought angel eyes and it works too.. but i dont like to put chemical things on her so i just stick to natural vinegarx