How do you stop a dog from peeing on the porch?

My dog is a Cattle dog mix and keeps peeing on the backyard porch.I don't really know what to do and my parents want me to find her another home.At first I thought it was an insecurity problem, that she felt the need to mark on the territory that was…

    How do you stop a dog from peeing on the porch?

    My dog is a Cattle dog mix and keeps peeing on the backyard porch.I don't really know what to do and my parents want me to find her another home.At first I thought it was an insecurity problem, that she felt the need to mark on the territory that was…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How do you stop a dog from peeing on the porch?...

    • How do you stop a dog from peeing on the porch?

      How do you stop a dog from peeing on the porch? Other Pet Discussions
      My dog is a Cattle dog mix and keeps peeing on the backyard porch.I don't really know what to do and my parents want me to find her another home.At first I thought it was an insecurity problem, that she felt the need to mark on the territory that was closer to her house. But now it's out of control and I don't know how to stop her.It's not an outdoor dog. There's a doggy door and they can go in and out whenever they please.

      How do you stop a dog from peeing on the porch?

      How do you stop a dog from peeing on the porch? Other Pet Discussions
    • i had a pit mix that did the same thing but after i washed it with bleach i put a puppy pad down that he had peed on and slowly moved it of my porch and into the yard. after that i washed the deck again with bleach and the problem was solved. not sure if it works for all dogs but it did for mine

    • It certainly sounds like she's marking her territory. You'll probably have to take the same steps necessary in housebreaking a dog. Reward her when she goes in the yard and correct her (pull up on her collar and say in a firm voice "no") and take her to the grass when she tries going on the porch (you'll have to catch her in the act though). It's sort of a myth that female dogs don't mark territory; they're just less likely to do it. I would do as the above poster said and wash the porch with bleach. There is probably a stray cat, racoon, etc. that she's competing with so it can't hurt to give it a shot. They also make something called Urine-Off (or something like that) that helps get rid of animal urine scent to deter spraying (probably kind of pricey though).