How do I get my Siameese cat to stop eatting wires?

I swear, on of these days he'll stick his tounge in an electrical outlet if he's not careful.I play ball with him and play string, but he just loves computer cords, and telephone wires.

    How do I get my Siameese cat to stop eatting wires?

    I swear, on of these days he'll stick his tounge in an electrical outlet if he's not careful.I play ball with him and play string, but he just loves computer cords, and telephone wires....
    Other Pet Discussions : How do I get my Siameese cat to stop eatting wires?...

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    • How do I get my Siameese cat to stop eatting wires?

      How do I get my Siameese cat to stop eatting wires? Other Pet Discussions
      I swear, on of these days he'll stick his tounge in an electrical outlet if he's not careful.I play ball with him and play string, but he just loves computer cords, and telephone wires.

      How do I get my Siameese cat to stop eatting wires?

      How do I get my Siameese cat to stop eatting wires? Other Pet Discussions
    • First... strip an old cord at the end, leaving the positive and comp lines bare... plug the cord in and jingle the bare ends for the little bugger to play with... after one shock, he'll never bite a cord again!

    • Coat the wires with a bitter spray, like the ones for sale in the link below. It will taste horrible to your cat and he will stop. You'll need to re-apply regularly.

    • There are products on the market that have a smell that keeps pets away from chewing/scratching on things they shouldn't. As a side note, string is actually very dangerous for cats as well. I was present for a surgery on a cat, his digestive system was completely sinched up by a single string of yarn. Seriously bad news.

    • obviously condoning allowing the cat to shock itself again, he'll learn... is retarded! electrical shocks can cause fluid build up in its lungs and the cat will drown in its own lungs. also aspirin will do it. one of my babies drowned right in my hands and without an autopsy it would have been impossible to tell which it was. but either way it would not have brought him back. look for things to hide the cords. i believe office supply stores sell a product to condense and hide cords. also auto parts stores although not as cosmetic, sell the "crinkly wire harness stuff" that you see under your cars hood. and oh yeah, cutting its tail off right behind the ears?????? this person obviously has a problem here and youre going to answer with some dumbass comment like that?? go find something else to do!

    • There are cable and wire covers you can buy to slip over those computer cables/wires at most computer/office supply stores. We did it for childproofing when my son was younger and it worked for our (then) kitten as well. For extra enforcement, bitter apple or other deterent on the cover you'd buy might help as well. The other suggestion of shaking a loudly rattling can wouldn't hurt either but you have to be consistant with that.

    • Cats absolutely despise citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, grapefruit) Try putting some slices of them near the cords your cat frequents most or sprinkle some of the juice. They really can't stand the smell for some reason.