How to treat a cat that is sneezing blood?

My cat has been sneezing blood lately, and is also oozing fluid from his left eye. I have consulted the local vet who has done blood tests proving nothing (the cat is healthy). Has anyone had a similar experiene? I would thoroughly appreciate any…

    How to treat a cat that is sneezing blood?

    My cat has been sneezing blood lately, and is also oozing fluid from his left eye. I have consulted the local vet who has done blood tests proving nothing (the cat is healthy). Has anyone had a similar experiene? I would thoroughly appreciate any…...
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    • How to treat a cat that is sneezing blood?

      How to treat a cat that is sneezing blood? Other Pet Discussions
      My cat has been sneezing blood lately, and is also oozing fluid from his left eye. I have consulted the local vet who has done blood tests proving nothing (the cat is healthy). Has anyone had a similar experiene? I would thoroughly appreciate any advice/experience.

      How to treat a cat that is sneezing blood?

      How to treat a cat that is sneezing blood? Other Pet Discussions
    • Oh My GOSH! I'm so sorry for you and your cat!I didnt read your last part! My cat named Jagger, (HES SO ADORABLE!!) has oozed fluid out of his eye. We took him to the vet and all they did was give him some eye cream and antibiotics. I don't know about the blood part but my neighbors cat has done that before. I wish you very good luck!!! Kristin

    • Since the tear ducts & nose are connected, it is possible that there is an underlying eye infection. You would think that your vet could diagnose as such. Since the eye may be draining into the nasal area as well, that could be irritating your cats nasal area causing it to sneeze. Like humans, excessive sneezing could irritate the membraines in it's nose making it's nose bleed. Since the vet couldn't find anything unsual, just watch your cat for a week & if this condition persists, I'd have the vet take a second look. ANOTHER idea is that your cat has allergies. The irritating eyes are draining into the nose, causing the sneezing, causing the bleeding. Good luck & my best to your cat.

    • Your cat has an upper respiratory infection which be difficult ot diagnose with blood tests. Common cause of upper respiratory cats include Feline calici virus, and Feline rhinotracheitis, and Feline herpes virus. These have to have complicated (and expensive)tests to be diagnosed. Most veterinarian will treat animals with antibiotics to help alleviate the sneezing but it won't cure the disease. How long it will take for the cat to get better depends on its immune system. In my experience if a cat remains in a stress free environment they recover faster. but this still may take weeks because the viruses are pretty resilient.

    • I own a 2 and a half year old male flame point mix that has displayed these same symptoms at least once a month This past week I took him to the vet which by the way I work for who happens to be a board certified veterinarian one of the best diagnosed him with having a Chronic Herpes Virus Infection started him on a regiment of L-Lysine at 500mg per day all this will do will help build up his immune sytem but will never fully eradicate the virus.