How do you get your healthy cat to stop wetting in the house?

It is never in the same place. His litter box is clean and accesible and it is like he does it to spite me when he feels he is not given enough attention.P.S. I am gone about 12 hours a day to work, but my husband is home a good 4 hours before I am so it…

    How do you get your healthy cat to stop wetting in the house?

    It is never in the same place. His litter box is clean and accesible and it is like he does it to spite me when he feels he is not given enough attention.P.S. I am gone about 12 hours a day to work, but my husband is home a good 4 hours before I am so it…...
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    • How do you get your healthy cat to stop wetting in the house?

      How do you get your healthy cat to stop wetting in the house? Other Pet Discussions
      It is never in the same place. His litter box is clean and accesible and it is like he does it to spite me when he feels he is not given enough attention.P.S. I am gone about 12 hours a day to work, but my husband is home a good 4 hours before I am so it is not like he is alone all day.P.S. P.S he is neutered and is an indoor cat.Thanks everyone for the help!

      How do you get your healthy cat to stop wetting in the house?

      How do you get your healthy cat to stop wetting in the house? Other Pet Discussions
    • Some cats are just territorial. Even as an only cat. This could be his problem, marking. He could be punishing you for leaving him (usually seen more in dogs than cats). Once a cat in peeing in your house there isn't much to do to stop it. My friend had one that did that and her vet said she had to find it a new home, that it wouldn't stop in hers as it is in the habit, and once it's been marking it WON'T stop in that same home. Is it neutered? That could help, but like I said once it's in the habit it would still probably continue. Good Luck

    • First of all, get kitty neutered! Neutered cats can still spray, but they wont have the urge to spray anymore.I've heard that Feliway really works. You can read about it here: have to follow the directions and keep it up though. I guess it might be expensive to keep up, but it's worth a try.

    • There are a whole bunch of different reasons why he might be doing this. Try the following things and watch the results.1. He might be a picky cat that isn't satisfied with his litter boxes.a) add an extra litter boxb) Clean the box more oftenc) Try a clay if you use clumping, or the sand if you use clay. Everclean HD is a great brand.d) Don't use scented litters (they hate them), or when you clean the litter box, don't use harsh chemicals.e) Hooded litter boxes are offensive to some cats and may not be used.f) Try a bigger boxg) If you use litter box liners, take them out. Some cats are itrritated by them.2. Your cat may have health problems, no matter how sound he may seem. Take him to a vet and tell him about your cat's problems.3. Your cat may be irritated, nervous, or stressed.a) Has there been any big changes in the household lately? Change of furniture, new additions, etc. can set them off.b) is the box in a place where he feels safe and secure? Is it near something that makes a loud noise or its food bowls? Try moving it to a quieter, more private place.If none of that helps, go to They've dealt with many of these problems, and are great for advice.-Kitty13