What is the best way to house train a puppy so they do not use the bathroom in the house?

A trick of some sort? A special way to teach them that it is wrong to do it?

    What is the best way to house train a puppy so they do not use the bathroom in the house?

    A trick of some sort? A special way to teach them that it is wrong to do it?...
    Other Pet Discussions : What is the best way to house train a puppy so they do not use the bathroom in the house?...

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    • What is the best way to house train a puppy so they do not use the bathroom in the house?

      What is the best way to house train a puppy so they do not use the bathroom in the house? Other Pet Discussions
      A trick of some sort? A special way to teach them that it is wrong to do it?

      What is the best way to house train a puppy so they do not use the bathroom in the house?

      What is the best way to house train a puppy so they do not use the bathroom in the house? Other Pet Discussions
    • There's whats called a crate. A metal cage. As puppies, you stick them in it and it trains them not to do there business in the house. As they get older, they realize they can only go outside if you train them to. The crate also becomes a safe place they like to sleep in if you give them a blancket.

    • There are many good books and internet sites with real information on this.I'm not sure about your question. It sounds like you want him to use some room other than the bathroom. I would rather my dog use the bathroom than the livingroom, because It's easier to clean, but outside is even better. I have trained mine by taking them outside every hour, and keeping newspapers on the floor until they get the idea.Sticking their nose in it IS NOT, REPEAT *NOT* the correct way to train a dog. It means nothing to them. The only reason it works, is they can tell you are mad. You can say "Don't do that" in a mad voice and they will get the same idea.When they do it outside, say in a very nice voice "Good dog" and other happy words.

    • Don't I repeat Don't answer the horse guys email, look at him, do you want your dog trained by a guy who "supposedly" trains horses, does making your name Horselover automatically qualify you to train dogs, NO you must have advice from people who are qualified in dog training. The best way to house train a puppy so he/she does not use the bathroom is to CLOSE THE DAMN BATHROOM DOOR...

    • Always keep a good eye on your dog. The moment you look away is the moment they spring into action. If you leave your house put them in a room that you don't mind them having an accident in. When you come home if they have had an accident, be sure to scold them by being loud and using simple words like "bad" or "no". Do not hurt them because that will just make them afriad. If you catch them doing it while you are in the room, take them outside immedietly and if they finish before you can, then scold them. If you do not reinforce how bad it is then they will never learn. Another trick is to always have them go to the bathroom in one spot. I use a dog run that has large sized pieces of gravel in it. I always have my dogs go in there. Set up a place such as that so that they get used to one area. If you do this but they go while outside (not on a walk but around your home) that is not in their usual area, scold them because they can't be allowed to just go anywhere or else they'll get back into the habit of going in your house. Also try to have them go out at the same time everyday. 20 minutes after they eat is a good estimate and before you go to bed and after you wake up. Always make it around the same time so that they can also get used to that. Feeding them at the same time will also help. I would suggest not letting your dogs go to the bathroom on your lawn because it will wilt or kill flowers and grass. Instead set aside an area on the side of your house. Clean it regularly because a dog is more willing to go to the bathroom if it is in a clean area. Also when you want them to go to the bathroom say something like "go potty" or "go poopy". This may sound childish but it will help them get accustomed to it so that if you are leaving the house, you can just take them out and tell them to "go potty". This may take some time but when you need to make sure they don't leave a surprise around your house when you're gone it is a good trick.

    • Well, it's actually quite simple. First, u teach your dog to pee on a newspaper on the ground. Then, eventually, you move the newspaper towards the outside. After awhile, put it outside, and your puppy will learn to go there! And after awhile, you can take the newspaper away. You're probably wondering how to teach your dog how to pee on the newspaper. Actually, it's kind of gross, but this is how i did it and it works. Ok, you have to sort of dab a bit of your dogs pee on a napkin and wipe it on the newspaper so it has the scent of your dog. So when your dog smells it, she'll pee there. By the way, after she pees on the newspaper, you can remove it and put a new one. :) I hope you have good luck. Tell me if it doesn't work, or if you found a better way!

    • Lock the dog outside when you are gone. When you come home, let him in and keep an eye on him. When you see that he's about ready to go, Say no, put him outside and let him go. Praise the dog when he goes outside. (If you're concerned with leaving a dog outside in the weather, invest in a dog house.)