How do I stop my cat from sitting on top of the hamster cage?

I have put things on top of it. I have put the cage high up. Doesn't work.

    How do I stop my cat from sitting on top of the hamster cage?

    I have put things on top of it. I have put the cage high up. Doesn't work....
    Other Pet Discussions : How do I stop my cat from sitting on top of the hamster cage?...

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    • How do I stop my cat from sitting on top of the hamster cage?

      How do I stop my cat from sitting on top of the hamster cage? Other Pet Discussions
      I have put things on top of it. I have put the cage high up. Doesn't work.

      How do I stop my cat from sitting on top of the hamster cage?

      How do I stop my cat from sitting on top of the hamster cage? Other Pet Discussions
    • When ever an animal does something you dont want it to do, you get a spray bottle of clean and harmless water, and then shoot it in their face. Its harmless but very anoying to the animal, and soon it will beging to relate the "wrong doing" to the spray bottle and will stop doing it. You also have to say "BAD" as you are doing it (In a stern voice) These two things become a "negitive" to the cat or dog. A negitive they would rather avoid. Remember,, they are animals, the same as we are. And they dont really "think" all that much diff then we do. Would you enjoy some one doing that to you ?????PS: Besure the nozzle is NOT on "Stream".(Put it on spray mode).If the water comes out too fast in a straight beam form. It could hurt the animals eyes. And never use any chemicals, such as pepper gases !!!!!

    • Here are a bunch of options you could get at petsmart. the list of options, the easiest thing you could try is just putting some double-sided tape up, if it's something you have around the house -- one of the things they have is essentially double-sided tape. Your cat is 99% likely to HATE the feeling of stickiness on his paws. My cat would flip out if he got tape on them! You might have to change it daily in case he doesnt learn right away, but it definitely could work!

    • put some rat poison glue an instant result in seconds .just kidding put a small shelf on the wall if you can to cover the cage so the cat do not jump on the cage after a while remove it.your cat will think it is still there.

    • this is an either faraway or close question - either put the hmaster bage very far away . preferably so far that the cat would find it to tiring to get there ( except by bus - also limit the cats disposable income ) or strap the cage to the cats back so it would be impossible for it to sit on top of it .