How do i get my Husband to get rid of his dog?

My husband has a Rott and I'm going to have our baby in may 06' please help!His Dog IS VERY VERY AGGRASIVE he will bite at Every one and has gone after kids while walking him.Ive tried to tell him to get rid of the dog because of all the accidents that…

    How do i get my Husband to get rid of his dog?

    My husband has a Rott and I'm going to have our baby in may 06' please help!His Dog IS VERY VERY AGGRASIVE he will bite at Every one and has gone after kids while walking him.Ive tried to tell him to get rid of the dog because of all the accidents that…...
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    • How do i get my Husband to get rid of his dog?

      How do i get my Husband to get rid of his dog? Other Pet Discussions
      My husband has a Rott and I'm going to have our baby in may 06' please help!His Dog IS VERY VERY AGGRASIVE he will bite at Every one and has gone after kids while walking him.Ive tried to tell him to get rid of the dog because of all the accidents that happen with Rotts He will not listen not only that the dog is a 1 yrs. and still hasnt had his shots. He Refuses to do that or get rid of himThis is our first Child. My husband is 21 and doesnt understand about the concerns I have and doesnt care he wants to use a shock collar but i think that is cruel i rather him just get rid of the dog. I love the dog dont get me wrong but the dog is a very jelious dog he wont let me and my husband get near each other with out trying grawling at us or tear something up or snaping at me we had him since he was a puppy and hes grown up with me also along with my husband but Being a Young Married couple i feel i want to protect my child

      How do i get my Husband to get rid of his dog?

      How do i get my Husband to get rid of his dog? Other Pet Discussions
    • Why would you get rid of a dog because of a child? The dog is part of your family and you are his pack watch what he does with the baby before you get rid of the dog my bet is the dog would lay down his life for your baby and He will watch after the child like it was his own.

    • Lighten up. Why should the dog go??? Thats terrible that you would even try to make anyone get rid of a belovid pet. I guess you will have to WORK a little harder to keep the dog away from the baby. But, I don't think there will be a problem unless of couse your hubby beats the dog to make him mean!!! Chill out! Leave the poor dog alone.

    • Hello, those guys are morons. Get rid of the dog or the husband. Do you know how many stories have been in the news of children being mauled/killed by those dogs? The courts are starting to hold parents responsible for the deaths of the children. If anything does happen you could find yourself in jail, not to mention feeling very bad for your mistake.

    • Your husband's Rott should not be any danger to your baby. They make excellent "nurse" dogs. He will think of your baby as his own family. I was a foster mom and raised 23 children, as well as my own two, and had a kennel and house dogs at the same time. I never had to worry about the children's ( or baby's) safety. I also had Rotts at that time. The dogs were very protective of ALL the kids, young or older.

    • Are you clear about which one you want to get rid of??? Make up your mind first.....You could kill two birds with one stone. If you get rid of your husband, your dog will follow.......If you are willling to consider above option, why dont you get rid of yourself, and do three people a favour (me, dog , your husband)...

    • I hear you, sweet_angel. But the people here did not realize you said this dog tries to bite children. I also raise and train the breed, they normally are very loving, And have been wonderful with children. It sounds as though your husband has been neglectful in correcting and properly training this dog, and therefore has created a potentially dangerous dog. Tell your husband, for the safety of all children, this dog must be enrolled with a licensed trainer and this problem corrected.! And he must CONTROL the dog TOTALLY, Or the child and you will live without him. If he can't afford the dog to be trained IMMEDIATELY, it must be put down. I will not comment against your husband but will tell you this, no dog acts this way without being taught to or let get away with it.!! Either way, it's the owners fault.! But YOUR child's life and All the other children are counting on your protection.!! Stand your ground and make him do it.! Because if he harms one child, and you didn't, you're just as much then to blame as your husband and the dog.M --spoke against the breed, and yes, they have a bad rap from people like your husband owning them and criminals viciously training the breed.! Actually, LESS THAN 1% of Rottweilers have ever bit anyone.!! ALL breeds can be dangerous, if not corrected and controlled.!! The Oracle O, mentioned the woman with a face transplant, that was done by a LAB. And Oct. 9, 2000 , the Los Angeles Times reported; A 4 pound POMERANIAN mauling and killing a 6 week old baby.!! And there are many other cases, of every breed attacking.!! There are about 800,000 people bit every year. 50% are chilren and 90% of all bites happen in the family home.!! This dog doesn't need to be stuck in the backyard because what happens the day it gets loose?? Or your baby in a couple of years, learns to go outside where it is , when you're not looking?? Uncontrolled aggression is fairly easy to correct in an one year old dog, but once it gets 2 or 3 years old, it's very difficult and the dog will never be trustworthy.! As for shots, they're a diease preventative, not like loaded guns. But it proves your husband shouldn't own a pet. He's a bad owner.!!! If you can't get him to listen to reason and you won't leave, then Take the dog to a SHELTER, tell them about the dog and your husband. They'll handle the situation for you.!! Please don't ask this question and do nothing.! THE CHILDREN AND THE NEIGHBORS ARE COUNTING ON YOU.!!!!!!!

    • If the dog is allowed inside. Put a stop to it. If you're husband loves the dog that much. Then he can keep him...outside. Dig up the news article online about the woman that recently had the worlds first parcial face transplant. She was mauled by a dog. The ask your husband if he could live with himself if his dog severly hurt or killed his child? Tame or not, family pet or not. The dog is still an animal and will react on instinct. Then again, another option is to have the dog sent away to obedience school. Good luck & congrats on the baby!

    • Okay, I am a dog lover like you have never seen butttt I do know that aggressive dogs can certainly be a danger to your child as well as to others. In fact, a friend of mine has a granddaughter who was doing nothing...the entire family was in the room to witness what happened. The dog suddenly turned on her and bit her face. Okay, what should you do? You are going to have to make a compromise for now. The dog is going to have a dog run and fence in the back yard so when your child is out there, the dog can't get to your child. You are going to have to keep your child away from this dog. I also would suggest that your husband take this dog to an obedience school if possible for training. When push comes to shove, of course, your baby comes first at all times. (I am a mother of four) Try to work this problem out with out getting rid of the dog...make some compromises after talking with your hubby but tell him he is going to have to make arrangements to contain the dog from getting near your baby.

    • It sounds like he's got control of you, but not his dog. It really should be the other way around. No telling what kind of father he will be. An aggressive dog without shots? That's like keeping a few loaded shotguns in your front yard. I predict somebody will go to jail.

    • You shouldn't actually get rid of the dog.But if you really need to know,Here's what:1.If, you're doing this, you must convince him.2.Be very nice to him.3.Greet him all the time.4.Say that you'll do anything for him.

    • My answer as a father of 2 now grown children,Is the dog has to go.Much care is needed in introducing a baby to any breed of dog.Since this one allready has an aggresion problem,dont chance it.I love dogs,but children come first,no ifs ands or buts.For those to young to have children,or those that never have,you may not understand this line of reasoning,but if you ever had a baby,you would understand easily.

    • Take the dog into thr vet and have him checked for arresiveness ..If the dog is mean it should be put down .. You dont want an argressive dog around a baby.But give the dog a chance just cuz its a rottie doesnt mean it wont like the baby .You need to start bringing baby things and smells in the home now .Like powder diapers ect , lay them out let the dog investigate .. You can just bring the baby in with not letting the dog know there is change comming .Put the dogs bed in the babys room .. let him sleep there get use to the new smells ect.Give him a chance !!!