How do I get my cat to be more socialable?

I know all cats have attitudes, but mine just wants nothing to do with anyone and is extremely jumpy, like way more than normal. She is only lovable at bedtime, but not for very long and I am worried that when I move in with my boyfriend she will be…

    How do I get my cat to be more socialable?

    I know all cats have attitudes, but mine just wants nothing to do with anyone and is extremely jumpy, like way more than normal. She is only lovable at bedtime, but not for very long and I am worried that when I move in with my boyfriend she will be…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How do I get my cat to be more socialable?...

    • How do I get my cat to be more socialable?

      How do I get my cat to be more socialable? Other Pet Discussions
      I know all cats have attitudes, but mine just wants nothing to do with anyone and is extremely jumpy, like way more than normal. She is only lovable at bedtime, but not for very long and I am worried that when I move in with my boyfriend she will be miserable. She doesn't even go near him and claws me because she is scared of everything. HELP!

      How do I get my cat to be more socialable?

      How do I get my cat to be more socialable? Other Pet Discussions
    • Try and spend more time with ur cat. It sounds like that she is a nervous cat and if u got her from a shelter it may have to do with what has happened to her by her past owners and that she is scared the same thing might happen again. So try and be patiant with her and spend as much time with her as u can. If that dont help things u may need to talk to ur vet. If u got her from a kitten it just might be her personality. Again if u need to and u r very worried about it have a talk to ut vet.If u want to talk to me personally her is my yahoo id and u can add me ok?tigercub143 or if u wanna email me here the email [email protected] feel free i am here if u want to.

    • I know what you are going through. I have a cat that is exactly like that she has been since she was a kitten. She does not like anyone, or any other animals or cats except for myself and my other cat which I had before her. When ever someone comes over she will run and hide and not come out until they have left. She is especially scared of children, and I had problems with her coughing up blood which really scared me. I took her to the vet and they told me it is just her personality and that she may be doing it because of children, or people visiting that she does not know, etc. My ex boyfriend and I had moved in together and she did not want to go near him or his children. She would hide all of the time which made me worry more about her, but eventually she started to come out and explore. She also would allow my b/f at the time to pet her but was still very skittish around him. I have found that she is mainly comfortable around myself and no one else. My cat is now going on three years old and I am just now noticing that she is starting to warm up to other people although it takes her time. The more she is around someone the more she will allow them to pet her, but she likes to be left alone until she is ready to be petted. She does not like children much at all and still stay hidden from them. So I guess the best advice that I could give you is to let your cat come around on her own, and try to give it as much attention as you can when she wants it. I hope this is helpful.