How do I teach my new puppy to walk with a leash correctly?

We have a new rescue pup, 9 months old. He was found in the woods and has a bit of a wild streak in him. How can I teach him to "heel" when we have him outside on a leash?

    How do I teach my new puppy to walk with a leash correctly?

    We have a new rescue pup, 9 months old. He was found in the woods and has a bit of a wild streak in him. How can I teach him to "heel" when we have him outside on a leash?...
    Other Pet Discussions : How do I teach my new puppy to walk with a leash correctly?...

    • How do I teach my new puppy to walk with a leash correctly?

      How do I teach my new puppy to walk with a leash correctly? Other Pet Discussions
      We have a new rescue pup, 9 months old. He was found in the woods and has a bit of a wild streak in him. How can I teach him to "heel" when we have him outside on a leash?

      How do I teach my new puppy to walk with a leash correctly?

      How do I teach my new puppy to walk with a leash correctly? Other Pet Discussions
    • Dogs learn by repetition. Tell him to heel, and then use the leash to bring him next to you, then reward him. He'll eventually learn!If you want him to sit next to you when you tell him to heel, do the same thing, only push his butt down to the ground, and if he stays there, reward him.

    • That's all good advice. Use a pinch collar too. My dog responds well to it. She'll wlak right next to me when she's wearing it, but if I use a regular collar, she'll keep pulling.Don't worry about hurting it, a dog's neck is the strongest part of its body

    • Get a "gentle leader" collar and take your puppy to a training class. They have dropped all choke collars at the training facility near our home in favor of this product. A link to their web page is below.

    • Both answers are good you have gotten so far. I really believe that if you take advise from both you will succeed soon. Also give him as much attention as you can when he is in the house. Remember that dogs are so domesticated that he will be just fine in his new home very soon. Good Luck and thank you for rescue

    • instructions:use a choke colar.than say heel repeditaly and yank on the leash.dont keep pullin on the colar or his/her breathing will become iregular just do a short hard fast yank.if u walk him/her enough every time u say heel she will be rite next 2 u.also stay on the rite side of the dog so thers room inbetween his/her neck and the choke colar. eventually ul be able 2 use a regular colar

    • Dont yank, that will just make her want to yank back. The way I was taught to get our then puppy to loose leash walk was that whenever they started pulling to stop walking. They will soon learn if they yank, they don't move. On our older dog (we got when he was 2) we did that also but added a gentle leader or Halti because he had never been on a leash in his life. It really helped.If you really feel you need to use a pinch/prong collar, only use it when you are walking and take it off when you are home. That way your puppy will connect the prong collar to walking nice.