How do I get my cat to stop being scared around new people?

Every time new people come around she gets extremely scared and goes to hide under a bed, if we try to take her out she tenses up and sometimes may even hiss at the guests.

    How do I get my cat to stop being scared around new people?

    Every time new people come around she gets extremely scared and goes to hide under a bed, if we try to take her out she tenses up and sometimes may even hiss at the guests....
    Other Pet Discussions : How do I get my cat to stop being scared around new people?...

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    • How do I get my cat to stop being scared around new people?

      How do I get my cat to stop being scared around new people? Other Pet Discussions
      Every time new people come around she gets extremely scared and goes to hide under a bed, if we try to take her out she tenses up and sometimes may even hiss at the guests.

      How do I get my cat to stop being scared around new people?

      How do I get my cat to stop being scared around new people? Other Pet Discussions
    • Make sure that you bring lots of new people to your home. Get them to try to handle the cat and let it see that they are not going to hurt it. Then the cat will get used to new people, hopefully.

    • if your cat is nervous around new people, don't make a fuss when new people come around, but do bring people over. It may sound silly, but let your guests ignore your cat, don't thrust her in the limelight unless she wants to be there, or you'll simply make her more fearful, some cats just don't like attention, and staring a nervous cat in the eyes just makes them more nervous. when cats glare at each other, theyre getting ready to fight, so this will put her on the defensive. talk to her calmly and try not to disrupt her routing and she may warm up to the bustle of teh constant flow of people.

    • I talk to my cats like babies,high pitched sounds really make them feel praised.Make the guest(s) dance in catnip(lol) each situation is differant.Some ppl are not cat friendly at all.(cats sense this)

    • nothing you can do about this character. This is the nature. Some cats are more aggressive and therefore, will greet humans, but others will just hit. Let your cat hide because if you force the cat to see your guest, your guest will ends up with 5 claw scars on their hands or even face. Don't change the nature, work with the nature is always the rule.Good luck

    • I wrestle around with my cat, Penny. I also have kids that play with her. So she has become 'the center of attention'. When someone comes to my house, Penny makes sure everyone knows she's there. However I had a cat a few years back, (miss. Priss), and she was a scaredy cat, but never hissed. How long have you had this cat and have you had it since it was a kitten, are two things you might ask yourself. If you haven't had her for long, maybe she was mistreated and just doesn't trust people. In which you would have to re-establish her trust in humans. other than that it may just be in her nature to be antisocial. -Good luck