Is it a good idea to toilet train a cat?

I bought a kit for toilet training my cat but I'm nervous about using it since it requires removing his litterbox. I welcome any encouragemnt, ideas or suggestions!

    Is it a good idea to toilet train a cat?

    I bought a kit for toilet training my cat but I'm nervous about using it since it requires removing his litterbox. I welcome any encouragemnt, ideas or suggestions!...
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    • Is it a good idea to toilet train a cat?

      Is it a good idea to toilet train a cat? Other Pet Discussions
      I bought a kit for toilet training my cat but I'm nervous about using it since it requires removing his litterbox. I welcome any encouragemnt, ideas or suggestions!

      Is it a good idea to toilet train a cat?

      Is it a good idea to toilet train a cat? Other Pet Discussions
    • yes it is a good idea to toilet train a cat because if you dont then you will have to travel around the house picking up its droppings all of the time. trust me. it is annoying.

    • don't do the toliet thing. you are right, don't remove the litterbox. maybe he wont like going to the bathroom in the toiliet. and you never know, maybe you will be in there and he will have to go really bad and just do his "buisness" on the floor

    • what the heck for, what's he to do if he goes outside, look for the toilet? Can you imagine wiping cat pee off you ofter he goes or I suppose you can train them to put the seat down too!

    • It is harder to train an adult cat rather than a kitten. I suggest keeping the litter box. If he hates going to the bathroom in the toilet, he will find somewhere less pleasant to do it.

    • I thought it was a great idea to teach my two cats, "Oscar" and "Stalin", it was a real bonus not emptying a litter box. Now six years later, four kids,a wife and two cats in a 3 bedroom one bath bungalow. I find myself competing with Oscar(honestly I do not know what he does in there), I find myself competing with my cats and kids for the bathroom, when I have to get to work.Sorry I am late boss. The cat had something bad for dinner.all kidding aside, it is really cool, it would be nice if they could flush, but the kids never seem to either.

    • i think it would be a real plus for a cat to use the toilet but for me i don't think i would have the time or patience for it, plus i don't know if i'd want a cat sitting on the same seat i use to go to the bathroom (ya know what i mean?!)

    • I bought a kit for toilet training cats too (litter qwitter). She started using the first tray right away and didn't seem to miss her litterbox at all. I use the flushable litter because eventually the tray is going to be affixed to the toilet rim for a later stage of the training. I hope it works, because the smell and mess of litter boxes is something I don't want to deal with.