How do I get my first cat to get along with a new kitten?

I recently brought home a new kitten (Fuzzy) and my first cat (Max), swatted at him and hissed and I had to shoo him away. I'm keeping the kitten in a seperate room for now but I know I can't do this forever. What would you suggest I do?

    How do I get my first cat to get along with a new kitten?

    I recently brought home a new kitten (Fuzzy) and my first cat (Max), swatted at him and hissed and I had to shoo him away. I'm keeping the kitten in a seperate room for now but I know I can't do this forever. What would you suggest I do?...
    Other Pet Discussions : How do I get my first cat to get along with a new kitten?...

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    • How do I get my first cat to get along with a new kitten?

      How do I get my first cat to get along with a new kitten? Other Pet Discussions
      I recently brought home a new kitten (Fuzzy) and my first cat (Max), swatted at him and hissed and I had to shoo him away. I'm keeping the kitten in a seperate room for now but I know I can't do this forever. What would you suggest I do?

      How do I get my first cat to get along with a new kitten?

      How do I get my first cat to get along with a new kitten? Other Pet Discussions
    • That is a question that has plagued many a cat person for millenia, even in ancient Egypt one CatGod worshipper suggested to his CatGod "Hey, you wanna friend?" and Bam the birth of dogs on the planet.But really all you can do is show them both equal amounts of affection, eventually Max will realize that he has to accept Fuzzy or just be in a bad mood all the time.

    • We have had the same problem, but our kitten attacks our first cat. I give the kitten a gentle hit on its back, not to hurt it to much, but so it knows its been doing wrong. After a while it attacked the large cat less, and if i enter the room when it is attacking the large cat it will leave.

    • They may never get along. My sister had three cats at one time along with her five dogs. One of the cats-Tippy-would absolutely not have anything to do with the other two. Now that cat is the only one left. The other two have since died. Tippy is much happier now.

    • I had the same problem. My cat tobias was very agitated that I brought Shadow into our home. She wouldn't come out of my room for days. In the beginning I was giving into her and bringing her food to her so she wouldn't have to be around the other cat. I also would bring them together to "make" them get to know each other. All I ended up with was stitches so in the end I just put Tobias' food where it always was and forced her to leave my room. Eventually they had to get to know each other without my help and they now tolerate each other and occasionally play together. By keeping the kitten away you are only postponing them having to get along and eventually your cat Max Will learn he has to share his humble home with another. He may not like it but He will eventually learn that he does have to share.