My dog ate one of the parts to my science project. What should I do for the science fair?

Also, where should I put it because my dog at the apple and so now, I only have the grapes, banana, and orange. I want to disipline her but she's to dang cute! How can I discipline her without hurting her feelings?Also, I can't just start over, I already…

    My dog ate one of the parts to my science project. What should I do for the science fair?

    Also, where should I put it because my dog at the apple and so now, I only have the grapes, banana, and orange. I want to disipline her but she's to dang cute! How can I discipline her without hurting her feelings?Also, I can't just start over, I already…...
    Other Pet Discussions : My dog ate one of the parts to my science project. What should I do for the science fair?...

    • My dog ate one of the parts to my science project. What should I do for the science fair?

      My dog ate one of the parts to my science project. What should I do for the science fair? Other Pet Discussions
      Also, where should I put it because my dog at the apple and so now, I only have the grapes, banana, and orange. I want to disipline her but she's to dang cute! How can I discipline her without hurting her feelings?Also, I can't just start over, I already started and then the apple would be behind all of the other fruits. The Science fair is on May 9!

      My dog ate one of the parts to my science project. What should I do for the science fair?

      My dog ate one of the parts to my science project. What should I do for the science fair? Other Pet Discussions
    • Wait for the apple to come back to you (ala the Mercedes key in Gone in 60 Seconds), clean it off, and put it back where you had it.Dogs don't have feelings. If you're worried about "hurting her feelings"...there is no purpose to disciplining her. Disciplining a dog is to teach it not to do something. You can't explain to it what it did wrong so you have to condition it to associate that act with the punishment that would follow. Even if you punch her straight in the mouth after 5 minutes go by she'll be back trying to play with you again.