How do I keep my kitten from getting behind the TV stand?

My 9 weeks old kitten that I adopted yesterday seems to like hiding behind the entertainment stand. I have a lot of cords behind there and I don't want the kitty to start chewing on the cords. Is there a spray that I can use to coat the area so that he…

    How do I keep my kitten from getting behind the TV stand?

    My 9 weeks old kitten that I adopted yesterday seems to like hiding behind the entertainment stand. I have a lot of cords behind there and I don't want the kitty to start chewing on the cords. Is there a spray that I can use to coat the area so that he…...
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    • How do I keep my kitten from getting behind the TV stand?

      How do I keep my kitten from getting behind the TV stand? Other Pet Discussions
      My 9 weeks old kitten that I adopted yesterday seems to like hiding behind the entertainment stand. I have a lot of cords behind there and I don't want the kitty to start chewing on the cords. Is there a spray that I can use to coat the area so that he won't enter it?

      How do I keep my kitten from getting behind the TV stand?

      How do I keep my kitten from getting behind the TV stand? Other Pet Discussions
    • My husband and I had this same problem. We took an empty bottle and filled it with water. Each time the cat would go behing the TV we would spray her with the water. This totally would pee her off and since she would lick her self for about thirty minutes because her fur was messed up, after about four or five times of getting sprayed she gave it up. Just give it a try! I hope it works for you.

    • if you can't push the tv back further against the wall,then try a spray you can get from pet shops, it is a smell cats hate spray it near the tv and the kitten will stay away. do this for a while until the kitten learns to stay away on it's own

    • Mothballs keep cats out of places where you don't want them ~ they don't like the smell. Also, you can put clear sticky paper on the floor, sticky side up ~ cats hate to get that on their paws and will stop visiting the area if it's always there. A spray bottle works but only when you're there ~ the cat will associate the spray with you and not the behavior, so when you're not around, she'll still go back there.The cat is probably hiding because it's scared. You can try creating a "safe" place for it, somewhere dark and away from everyone where it can adjust to the new home. This can be a box in a closet (with the door left open, of course) or in an unused hallway, or even under the couch. When I got my kittens, one of them hid in the closet for the first week that I had her (this was 10 years ago). When I moved in November, the same cat hid behind the washing machine in the laundry room for 2 weeks until she got used to the house.Good luck!