Does anyone know how to start a petition?

I own two pit bulls, and they are my babies! I need to start a petition against requiring $615.00 of insurance when my pit bulls haven't done anything wrong. Its all in how you raise them, and anydog can bite. So please help me!

    Does anyone know how to start a petition?

    I own two pit bulls, and they are my babies! I need to start a petition against requiring $615.00 of insurance when my pit bulls haven't done anything wrong. Its all in how you raise them, and anydog can bite. So please help me!...
    Other Pet Discussions : Does anyone know how to start a petition?...

    • Does anyone know how to start a petition?

      Does anyone know how to start a petition? Other Pet Discussions
      I own two pit bulls, and they are my babies! I need to start a petition against requiring $615.00 of insurance when my pit bulls haven't done anything wrong. Its all in how you raise them, and anydog can bite. So please help me!

      Does anyone know how to start a petition?

      Does anyone know how to start a petition? Other Pet Discussions
    • Get a piece of paper, write down your petition, get people to sign it. that's it. try using the internet. email your request to people, asking them to email their friends etc. you may get a lot of emailed signatures (via notes) that way.

    • Start an email detailing your story and ask people to sign it and forward it on. Start it up yourself by numbering it and signing it yourself then people can continue on from where you left off!

    • Go to They will help you get your petition going. I think they even have a group of pitt lovers that you can join. I'll bet they would help you too. And you are correct, it is all in how they are raised. And right again, any dog can bite. Unfortunately, pitts have a bad rap cause of bad people who want to fight them. I feel sorriest for pitts than any other breed of dog. So many people abuse them to get thier own sick kicks. I've worked in lots of vet clinics & I love pitts.