How do I get a cat to stop urinating in carpet area of my home?

My daughter's stupid . . . er . . . lovely cat keeps peeing in the same area of our dining room carpet. COCHINO!!! As much as I'd like to beat the crap out of him for doing it, that would only worsen the problem with him releasing his business. He's…

    How do I get a cat to stop urinating in carpet area of my home?

    My daughter's stupid . . . er . . . lovely cat keeps peeing in the same area of our dining room carpet. COCHINO!!! As much as I'd like to beat the crap out of him for doing it, that would only worsen the problem with him releasing his business. He's…...
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    • How do I get a cat to stop urinating in carpet area of my home?

      How do I get a cat to stop urinating in carpet area of my home? Other Pet Discussions
      My daughter's stupid . . . er . . . lovely cat keeps peeing in the same area of our dining room carpet. COCHINO!!! As much as I'd like to beat the crap out of him for doing it, that would only worsen the problem with him releasing his business. He's about 6 months old, he's fixed, he's an indoor car, he seems to be growing quickly, he eats about 3 times a day, and he seems to drink normally. We have one litter box upstairs, and we've gone through changes with the litter but he's now back to the first litter he ever used and we still have this problem. Ocassionally he also poops in the same area, but that's stopped for the most part. Please help. Thanks.

      How do I get a cat to stop urinating in carpet area of my home?

      How do I get a cat to stop urinating in carpet area of my home? Other Pet Discussions
    • Put it outside. Cats are territorial animals. This cat needs to have its own space. Put its litter box in the same spot as it food and water. Put a scratch pad or post by it. Make sure there is catnip around - they love that. If you treat your cat like a pest, it will be a pest. If you treat your cat like they are special, they will act special, kind of snobby. That's how you want them to be. One way a cat shows gratitude is kill a bird or a mouse or finds something and leaves it on your porch or your doorstep. Don't get mad at your cat. It is doing what it does best and offering to you as compensation, or a thank-you. Treat it right and it will be good to have around.

    • Despite the problem, indoors is the safest place for your cat. There are many reasons why a cat may eliminate outside of the litterbox. First is the litterbox itself. Where is it? Is it in a high traffic area that doesn't give the cat enough privacy (yes, some cats need privacy!)? Is it in an area that is too close to his food? Are you scooping the litterbox at least once per day? Are you removing all of the litter and washing out the litterbox, and replacing the used litter at least once per week? A cat won't use a litterbox that he feels is dirty, in too busy of an area, or too near to his food. Some cats also need two litterboxes: one for urinating and one for deficating. Consider a second litterbox.Next, has there been a change in the cat's behavior lately? Eliminating outside of the litterbox and behavioral changes are often signs that the cat is sick. He may not show any outward signs of illness (cats are great at hiding their ailments) but he may not be feeling well. A checkup at the vet's office is in order. Your vet can also give you advice on stopping this problem as well. Finally, make sure that the cat is getting plenty of attention. Give him treats and praise when he uses his litterbox, and sternly admonish (not yell and scream) at him when he doesn't use his litterbox. Make sure the cat is getting plenty of positive attention too, because he may be doing this simply because he's starved for attention/affection. Also, if it's possible, restrict the cat's access to the dining room. If he smells his urine under the carpet in there, it may make him feel like that is the "proper spot" for eliminating.

    • my puppy did this for the longest time and it drove me nuts!!! putting kitty outside is putting kitty in danger.not an option. however i put down a heavy layer of carpet fresh over puppy's favorite pee spot and within a day or two puppy stopped.or you could try putting a second litter pan in that spot. chances are the cat is picking up the scent he left there in your floor and to him what he is doing is acceptable. try a cleaner for the area with a strong perfume or long lasting scent, this may help.

    • It seems as thought most of these people are telling you to put the cat outside. Don't do that. It exposes him to parasites and other dangers, like wild animals, dogs and cars. It isn't normal for cats to pee and poo in random places, even if it's the same place, once they're fixed. He could have a kidney infection or urinary tract crystals. Take him to the vet and check to make sure that everything is all right internally.

    • Location, as mentioned by someone else, is important. As are health issues such as kidney problems. You may want to try putting the litter box in that problem spot. Move it away gradually, a foot or two every few days, until you get it where you want it to be. Also, you must remove the urine smell from the carpet entirely. Use a product made for cleaning cat urine. Pet stores carry specific products just for that. This can be a tricky issue to deal with. Good luck.

    • first you can find in pet shops some spray with smell the pets don't like a kind of ''DON'T TOUCH '' spray that you can try to put in that specific spot on your carpet but have the little box some were closewhen he is going to his box have your carpet and Flor clean from that urine smelldon't forget to clean the little box every day but until he is going be be used to that don't wash the box with chemicals every day for him to fell that urine smell like the carpet wash the box with chemical once a week after that not soonerhe needs to know where is his smell cat are territorialsall this are only for indoor cats

    • You are very rude, but if you want an answer anything will be better than "beating the crap out of him". Get a spray bottle of water and when you see him do it spray some (not in his ears or face) and say no. Do this for a couple of weeks and then he will stop. I read this in a book form Petsmart.