What are some fun things to do while riding my horse?

My horse's name is Chance and he is 30 years old so he isnt the best horse to ride and doesnt like to go any faster than a trot. I can not go on trail rides right now because its hunting season. I do love to ride bareback and no I can not do any jumping…

    What are some fun things to do while riding my horse?

    My horse's name is Chance and he is 30 years old so he isnt the best horse to ride and doesnt like to go any faster than a trot. I can not go on trail rides right now because its hunting season. I do love to ride bareback and no I can not do any jumping…...
    Off Topic : What are some fun things to do while riding my horse?...

    • What are some fun things to do while riding my horse?

      What are some fun things to do while riding my horse? Off Topic
      My horse's name is Chance and he is 30 years old so he isnt the best horse to ride and doesnt like to go any faster than a trot. I can not go on trail rides right now because its hunting season. I do love to ride bareback and no I can not do any jumping or anything crazy. What do you think I should try to have fun with my horse?

      What are some fun things to do while riding my horse?

      What are some fun things to do while riding my horse? Off Topic
    • aww hes 30? umm i ride horses too, so i mean since he is so old u dont wanna over wear him, so i guess just do some things like ride facing backwards its so muchh fun or somethin like that

    • Hey, I also Horseback Ride, there are a few 30 year old at my barn as well, one of them is an Arabian... Whom I ride quite a lot actually, First of all maybe you could try some bending exercises to make him stretch his legs. To do this you can either do it at the Trot or Canter, You trot or Canter in a small circle pushing Your inside leg against your horses Side, resulting in him bending with the circle. You could also try no stirrups work, Posting trot and sitting trot are much more difficult with no stirrups. Another thing you could try is pole bending, You can do this at the trot but it is much more difficult and fun at the canter, You place jumping stands or flower pots on the ground in Straight line... You then make your horse weave through the poles. If you are going to do this I suggest trying at the walk a few times first since he is older, Just so that he gets used to the bending.

    • Have u ever thought of taking him to local horse park....or a park that is huge and welcomes Horses?You will in return see a great trail and he will get exercise. We have a few here in West palm beach, Fla....So hopefully you can find one near you!!! Great Luck!!