What are all the advantages and disadvantages of becoming a vet?

Can someone please give me lots of advantages and disadvantages. Obviously advantage is working with animals, helping and saving them... I need other ones and disadvantages ofcourse putting them to sleep.Most dis/advantages will get best answer.

    What are all the advantages and disadvantages of becoming a vet?

    Can someone please give me lots of advantages and disadvantages. Obviously advantage is working with animals, helping and saving them... I need other ones and disadvantages ofcourse putting them to sleep.Most dis/advantages will get best answer....
    Other Pet Discussions : What are all the advantages and disadvantages of becoming a vet?...

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    • What are all the advantages and disadvantages of becoming a vet?

      What are all the advantages and disadvantages of becoming a vet? Other Pet Discussions
      Can someone please give me lots of advantages and disadvantages. Obviously advantage is working with animals, helping and saving them... I need other ones and disadvantages ofcourse putting them to sleep.Most dis/advantages will get best answer.

      What are all the advantages and disadvantages of becoming a vet?

      What are all the advantages and disadvantages of becoming a vet? Other Pet Discussions
    • Advantages:-High paying-Easy to find work-Be around animals all day-Work with people-Heal animals-Save animalsDisadvantages:-Around 7 years in university-Takes a while to get established-1 mistake and you can lose a lot of business-Competitive prices (to high of prices and you wont get clients)-Competitive course (you need high 90%'s to get into vet med)-Telling families the bad news-Putting animals to sleep-Seeing suffering animals and they're owners don't care-Get bit-Getting diseasesSurgery can either be an advantage or disadvantage. If you can handle shaving an animals body part, cutting it open, moving organs, getting your hands covered in blood, digging your hands around inside of an animal, having a chance of losing the animal on your table, then it's an advantage. If you don't handle guts well, don't be a vet.

    • I have worked at an animal hospital and have a close friend who is a vet. Vets can become very frustrated if they work in areas where the majority of their clients do not take good care of their pets, then arrive in the exam room unwilling/unable to pay for elaborate treatment for illness/injury that could have been prevented entirely by vaccination or parasite control, or easily and inexpensively remedied had the pet been brought to the vet when symptoms first appeared. In other words, the type of circumstances that are the topic of a hefty percentage of the posts on this board.Veterinary training is as expensive, or more, than physician training, but vets earn far less money and are not as respected by their clients.

    • Disadvantage: Knowing that owners do not have to take your advice- having to watch when an owner does something with their dog that you disagree with. You cannot force an owner to comply- you can only protect yourself against liability with an Against Medical Advice form.Disadvantage: Vets get paid a lot less than doctors for humansDisadvantage: The hours suck...especially if you deal with emergencies.Disadvantage: Vet school costs beaucoup bucks (see also: hundreds of thousands of dollars) and is VERY competitive.Advantage: Knowing you can advise people to care for their animals better and make both people's and their pets lives better.Advantage: By helping animals with their diseases you can prevent people from getting sick too by preventing zoonotic (animals to people) transmission of disease.