How do you train a puppy to use a littter box?

I live in a small APT and if I get a puppy it cannot go outside to use the bathroom. Should I use cat litter to train it?

    How do you train a puppy to use a littter box?

    I live in a small APT and if I get a puppy it cannot go outside to use the bathroom. Should I use cat litter to train it?...
    Other Pet Discussions : How do you train a puppy to use a littter box?...

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    • How do you train a puppy to use a littter box?

      How do you train a puppy to use a littter box? Other Pet Discussions
      I live in a small APT and if I get a puppy it cannot go outside to use the bathroom. Should I use cat litter to train it?

      How do you train a puppy to use a littter box?

      How do you train a puppy to use a littter box? Other Pet Discussions
    • Well, here are a couple of sites I found with information: luck to you. I hope that you aren't getting an animal in a place that doesn't allow it. You could get evicted or sued.

    • Yes, a litter box seems like a good solution for you. Put the puppy in the box 10 to 15 minutes after he eats or drinks anything, or after a nap. Sit with him until he goes and praise him like crazy. When you can't watch him, put him in a crate just big enough for him to stand up and turn around. He can hold it for about an hour at first, but will gradually work up to waiting longer. When you get him out of the crate, take him to the litter box and wait until he goes and praise him. If you say "go potty" at the same time he will learn to go on command. Good Luck

    • I have heard only good things about the dog litter. You don't use cat litter, buy the dog litter. Every pet store carries the litter and pans. Now they even have liners, etc. to go with it.I was going to try it and I thought about scooping it out, washing the pan and all the clean up. I ended up with piddle pads. I am so dumb I didn't realize the pads have a scent on them that draw the dogs to them. Then you can just pick it up and throw it away. I started out with two or three pads around the house. Now we are down to one and that is where he goes. The only problem I have with the pads are, when my pup starts to poop he also tends to walk in the squating position and gets off the pad by the time he finishes..........It isn't his fault, but with the litter, he wouldn't do that because it is contained.....I think you would happy with either one.

    • I have never understood why people make their dogs use a litter box. Get up put a leash on your pup and take it outside to do its business.Like someone else said I hope you are not getting a dog if you live in a place where it is forbidden.

    • You can buy training drops at the pet store. We used them to train our dog to do her business on "piddle pads". She is trained so that when we are gone at work she knows where to go to do her business.We also toilet trained out cats.

    • No, don't use cat litter to train a pup to a dog box. It's not only messy, but it can be ingested and make a pup sick. I have Chihuahuas and they use a dog box with a wee wee pad on the bottom of it. When my pups were little, I used a playpen to train them to a litter box. Put the litter box, their food & water and a bed in the playpen. When they use the litter box, praise them in abundance. Whether you train any pup to a doggie box or to go outside, it's hard work and can take a long time, so make sure that you want to put out the effort.