What it the best age for a girl kitten to be kept from getting pregnant?

Is six weeks soo early that it could tramatize the cat into being mean? I think that is what happened to my cat.

    What it the best age for a girl kitten to be kept from getting pregnant?

    Is six weeks soo early that it could tramatize the cat into being mean? I think that is what happened to my cat....
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    • What it the best age for a girl kitten to be kept from getting pregnant?

      What it the best age for a girl kitten to be kept from getting pregnant? Other Pet Discussions
      Is six weeks soo early that it could tramatize the cat into being mean? I think that is what happened to my cat.

      What it the best age for a girl kitten to be kept from getting pregnant?

      What it the best age for a girl kitten to be kept from getting pregnant? Other Pet Discussions
    • Talk with your veterinarian about when the right time to spay your kitten is. Most vets will say that they spay when the cat is 6 months or older. The vet who works with the animal shelter I adopted my kitten from starts spaying when the kitten weighs at least 2 pounds. My kitten was 3 months old when I got her and she was already spayed by then.

    • Six weeks was early, most vets would recommend that get them spayed at a year when they hit sexual maturity.I don't know if would affect their mood or not.

    • What? How are you keeping your cat from getting pregnant? I don't think keeping it inside away from male cats will traumatize it. If you get it spade that will prevent it from getting pregnant and won't traumatize it. The only way to traumatize a cat would be to stick the cat near a male cat and spray it with water from a squirt bottle each time she gets near the male.

    • There are alot of humane clubs who are spaying cats as early as 6 weeks, although I do not believe this will have any effect on a cats personality any vet will recommend that a cat not be spayed until she goes into her first heat. I do believe that the vets statistics show higher rates of cancer in cats spayed too early. however if she is already spayed there is nothing you can do. But it should have nothing to do with her attitude. you may just have a bitchy cat

    • Spaying generally will not change an animal's personality, but there are exceptions to every rule. I've never had a pet's personality change nor have I ever seen any of my client's pets change personalities. Six weeks is an awfully young age to have a cat fixed, male or female. At my clinic we recommend females be about 6 or 7 months and males 7 or 8 months. At the earliest I would say 4 months. Majority of female don't go into heat until about 10 months or later. However, just like in humans, some cats will go into heat earlier. Especially if it's spring or summer.

    • Six weeks is not too early. Most clinics don't spay until 6 months, but many humane societies are spaying them regardless of age, as long as they are 2lbs. Cats just like people change as they age - a six week old kitten is learning and experimenting just as a toddler would. I doubt it's mean just learning it's boundries. Don't allow the kitten to do whatever it is that you think is mean.