How long can you leave a cat home alone for?

I need to leave for the weekend to visit my school and take care of some things. I plan to leave tomorrow (Saturday) morning around 10:30 and return Monday afternoon around 1 pm. Do you think its ok to leave my cat alone in the apt for this long? I've…

    How long can you leave a cat home alone for?

    I need to leave for the weekend to visit my school and take care of some things. I plan to leave tomorrow (Saturday) morning around 10:30 and return Monday afternoon around 1 pm. Do you think its ok to leave my cat alone in the apt for this long? I've…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How long can you leave a cat home alone for?...

    • How long can you leave a cat home alone for?

      How long can you leave a cat home alone for? Other Pet Discussions
      I need to leave for the weekend to visit my school and take care of some things. I plan to leave tomorrow (Saturday) morning around 10:30 and return Monday afternoon around 1 pm. Do you think its ok to leave my cat alone in the apt for this long? I've left him for 2 days and 1 night before and he's been fine. Of course I will put plenty of food out and let the faucet drip

      How long can you leave a cat home alone for?

      How long can you leave a cat home alone for? Other Pet Discussions
    • I've left my cat alone for that long before. Like you said, just make sure they have plenty of food and water. Cats are pretty good at taking care of themselves, so as long as they have something to eat and drink they should be fine. If you want, you could always have a friend stop by and check on your cat, but I don't think it's necessary.

    • I would suggest keeping a bowl of water, and excess food. We kept our house at home for about 4 days. As long as you have toys or something to keep his interest, he will be fine. The only problem you might run into is an overfull letterbox, so he might poop outside the box. Otherwise, it is safe to keep your cat at home for a few days. If its more than 5 days, i would suggest a pet motel or shelter.

    • Well you said that you left your cat alone for two days before and he was fine. So yeah he'll be fine. If it was for an entire week, no.He should be fine for the two and half days you alone, as long as you do provide lots of fresh water and food.

    • of Course, leave him with toys. I usually leave music on soft volume and turn on the TV. Even if you let the faucet drip get a bowl and put ice in it leave A LOT water in that. Leave his litter box clean and put a lot DRY FOOD for him to eat. If you can get two litter boxes just in case once gets too dirty. Cats hate dirty boxes and end up doing their business elsewhere.Also make sure you keep any cleaning supplies you have out, any shampoos, soaps, human food out of sight and close the toilet lids as well as your laundry room door closed.Music and TV helps them relax. Put it on a cartoon channel and don't leave the volume on too loud! he might get startle because of a sudden commercial or any sudden noise.

    • Since there have been plenty of good answers; the only thing I would add it that if possible see if you can have a friend or neighbor look in on the cat in the event of some sort of emergency, make sure that you have the sticker for the fireman that reports you have a cat inside in the event of a fire. Place it on the front door or window to assure that it is seen.