How can I stop my lovebird from biting?

I know I can't stop a bird from biting completely, but I need some good tips on how to train my bird from not doing this so often. He's only a year old and should be easy to train. Thanks for you help!

    How can I stop my lovebird from biting?

    I know I can't stop a bird from biting completely, but I need some good tips on how to train my bird from not doing this so often. He's only a year old and should be easy to train. Thanks for you help!...
    Other Pet Discussions : How can I stop my lovebird from biting?...

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    • How can I stop my lovebird from biting?

      How can I stop my lovebird from biting? Other Pet Discussions
      I know I can't stop a bird from biting completely, but I need some good tips on how to train my bird from not doing this so often. He's only a year old and should be easy to train. Thanks for you help!

      How can I stop my lovebird from biting?

      How can I stop my lovebird from biting? Other Pet Discussions
    • handle him AS MUCH as possible, im talking hours if oyu need to. you can poke him everytime he does it and say no, but you really just need to keep handling him so he realizes it accomplishes nothing. ive been able to do this with birds over 10 years old who were never handled so im sure u can suck up the pain and just keep playing with him!good luck

    • I had bred and raised birds, as well as worked with non-domesticated birds. I would used peanut butter on a spoon. Offering them a chance to get use to food reward by food taste...then gradually used peanut butter on my finger. When they went to bite they were fimilar with food taste and bite was avoided. With great success ... This trick worked well for me along with alot of TLC. Good Luck... Have a great day .

    • FunnyLovebirds.. is it a ring eye (black mask,blue mask,etc..) if so.. they're aggressive anyway.. All love birds r funny anyway.. Love is not in thur vocab.. lol... Only a choosen few.. and never mate it.. or have other birds around it... they will attach to them quicker... plus did you know that bite'n for birds could be a love'n defense... like if someone comes quickly into a room when you r w/it..and it bites at you... they're tell'n you to run.. get away.. be safe... its kinda cute but hurts like hell... loljust take your time and enjoy...or start over.. and hand feed one... ... it will be the best pet for you...

    • you just have to get it used to you...if you did not receive it when it was a baby then it was probably in a cage with another bird which makes it very hard to train. Once they are in a cage with another bird they tend to not like humans and only want their "cage mate".