How do you help your horse get over the feer of leaving the barn ?

He will leave if your walking him on a lead rope.But when riding him he will decide at any time he needs to go back and just takes right off.I tried a harsher bit,now he just tries to buck me off.( only when he feels it's time to go back)I tried just…

    How do you help your horse get over the feer of leaving the barn ?

    He will leave if your walking him on a lead rope.But when riding him he will decide at any time he needs to go back and just takes right off.I tried a harsher bit,now he just tries to buck me off.( only when he feels it's time to go back)I tried just…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How do you help your horse get over the feer of leaving the barn ?...

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    • How do you help your horse get over the feer of leaving the barn ?

      How do you help your horse get over the feer of leaving the barn ? Other Pet Discussions
      He will leave if your walking him on a lead rope.But when riding him he will decide at any time he needs to go back and just takes right off.I tried a harsher bit,now he just tries to buck me off.( only when he feels it's time to go back)I tried just riding around the barn and getting further and further each day but he gets so he wants to go back and it is really hard to hold him back.

      How do you help your horse get over the feer of leaving the barn ?

      How do you help your horse get over the feer of leaving the barn ? Other Pet Discussions
    • He's not afraid to leave the barn. He's barn spoiled. If you let him keep running back, he will do it every time. Take a different path out and back every time you ride. Another thing you can do is when you are on your way back to the barn, turn around half way and ride more. Teach him that just because you are facing the barn doesn't mean he is finished. Keep in mind that he isn't scared, he's taking you for a ride.

    • It takes a lot of patience. I would try praising him as you are going and as soon as he tries to turn back try circling him for awhile while talking calmly to him, then, when he settles down, try walking him further, and keep praising him for a good job. Set yourself a realistic goal for distance every day and gradually increase the distance. But I found that you have to keep at it every day. I would also suggest going back to your old bit as the harsher one sounds like it's creating more problems than solving the one you already have.I had a mare that was incredibly barn sour and it just takes a lot of time and patience.I wish you luck!

    • I had a gelding in England that acted very much the same. One thing that worked for me was when we went riding I tried never to let him see the stables until I was ready to go back.And even then I took a route that did not give him the advantage to see the stables. It meant some very twisting and out of the way rides.

    • Go back to the old bit first and foremost. When you turn around on your trail ride go past the barn and keep riding. Do this until he stops anticipating the ride is over when he feels like it. Get off and walk him if you have to. Or, take your trail ride and when you get home work him in the ring for a while. Maybe then he won't be so anxious to get home (barn stale).