How can you teach a rat tricks?

I have a dumbo eared rat. His name is sqeakers. He is black and white.

    How can you teach a rat tricks?

    I have a dumbo eared rat. His name is sqeakers. He is black and white....
    Other Pet Discussions : How can you teach a rat tricks?...

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    • How can you teach a rat tricks?

      How can you teach a rat tricks? Other Pet Discussions
      I have a dumbo eared rat. His name is sqeakers. He is black and white.

      How can you teach a rat tricks?

      How can you teach a rat tricks? Other Pet Discussions
    • Look into clicker training. A clicker is a little metal snappy thing you hold in your hand and click when your animal does something right. He learns to associate the click with a food reward, usually. You can teach all sorts of behaviours with clicker training. Look into the book "don't shoot the dog" by Karen Pryor. Also do web searches for clicker training, and include clicker trainng rats. If the clicker scares your rat at first, move it further away, or use a different sound. You can click your tongue if that works. Have fun, and good luck~