What is the ideal temperature for the water for a goldfish? A bleeding heart tetra?

I have them in a 10-gallon aquarium together, but everyone tells me that I should separate them.

    What is the ideal temperature for the water for a goldfish? A bleeding heart tetra?

    I have them in a 10-gallon aquarium together, but everyone tells me that I should separate them....
    Other Pet Discussions : What is the ideal temperature for the water for a goldfish? A bleeding heart tetra?...

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    • What is the ideal temperature for the water for a goldfish? A bleeding heart tetra?

      What is the ideal temperature for the water for a goldfish? A bleeding heart tetra? Other Pet Discussions
      I have them in a 10-gallon aquarium together, but everyone tells me that I should separate them.

      What is the ideal temperature for the water for a goldfish? A bleeding heart tetra?

      What is the ideal temperature for the water for a goldfish? A bleeding heart tetra? Other Pet Discussions
    • 72-80 degrees (F) for the tetra, but room temperature for the goldfish. They need to be seperated.Just don't put the goldfish in one of those little 3-gallon bowls, they need at least a 10-gallon tank per goldfish (some can get to be over a foot long, live over 15 years).And be sure that the goldfish's tank has a filter, many people don't have one since those who keep their goldfish in a bowl don't have one.

    • An ideal temperature for a goldfish is 68-75, being as it is a coldwater fish, and where tetras need something along the lines of 74-84, so technically based on temperature scale, they could be placed together, just have the water temp about 74-76But, you also need to think about the temperament of the fish, since tetra are shoaling fish *aka schooling fish* you might want to buy 3 or 4 more to keep him company, then comes the question of the goldfish, if it is a fancy finned variety, watch very carefully that the tetras do not nip at the long,delicate fins, and you can normally tell damage done by the tetras by the way the g/f acts around them, if the g/f is a skinny body type, it can move fast and not be bullied as much , so it could work, and it has for me, but I have had people tell me stories about the goldies and tropicals not mixing well. so give it a try, and hopefully there aren't any problems