How can I get my bf to love my adorable kittie?

He hates her and is always complaining and shooing her away. She's a little on the wild side (bites sometimes), but everyone loves how friendly and playful she can be. We live together, so it's getting to be a problem. I've told him that if it bothers…

    How can I get my bf to love my adorable kittie?

    He hates her and is always complaining and shooing her away. She's a little on the wild side (bites sometimes), but everyone loves how friendly and playful she can be. We live together, so it's getting to be a problem. I've told him that if it bothers…...
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    • How can I get my bf to love my adorable kittie?

      How can I get my bf to love my adorable kittie? Other Pet Discussions
      He hates her and is always complaining and shooing her away. She's a little on the wild side (bites sometimes), but everyone loves how friendly and playful she can be. We live together, so it's getting to be a problem. I've told him that if it bothers him so much, I'll give her up, but he says he doesn't want me to do that. Any suggestions?

      How can I get my bf to love my adorable kittie?

      How can I get my bf to love my adorable kittie? Other Pet Discussions
    • Some people just aren't cat lovers. But don't give your kitty up, that's silly. Even he doesn't want you to do that. But don't worry about it, he doesn't have to love your kitty. Well, not that one anyway.

    • he obviously cares enough about your love for your cat to not make you give her up. i would suggest leaving it alone, if he lives with her long enough it sounds like he'll grow to love her.

    • He obviously loves you enough to put up with your cat, so I wouldn't worry too much about it. Some people just aren't cat people. When you are both in a good mood, tell him sweetly how happy you'd be if he played with your cat sometimes. If that doesn't work, try your best to forget about the issue and focus on how amazing your guy is.Hope this helps.Nanny G.

    • my husband said he didn't like my dog until the dog cuddled with him and now he is more crazy about her than i am. he will either come around and get used to her or he will not. ou cant force no one to love something or someone.

    • I had such problems before. Even though you told your BF you would give up your adorable kittie and your BF told you he didn't want you to do that, you would do neither when you rise to the challenge. So what did I do in my case? I broke up with my girl friend-she's the one who had an adorable cat and I was the boy who said not to throw the cat away.Long story short:Seemingly I had never fought with my GF over a cat. But when I had a bad day or she didn't give me what I wanted, I put out an anger on the cat as a retaliation.One more thing to help you understand my case:reverse the situation like this. Your BF has dogs and your are annoyed by thess stupid dogs. They go wild sometimes when they see you, one of them knocks you down and is trying to hump you? You'll see what happens to you and your BF.In conclusion, the problem is... not your cat. It's you and him.