How do i introduce my new puppy to my other dogs?

I just bought a new minerature poodle and my other dogs attack him whenever they see him. I'v been trying to socialize them and i think they're making progress, but my big dog still growls at him. Last time, they saw eachother, my big dog attacked him.…

    How do i introduce my new puppy to my other dogs?

    I just bought a new minerature poodle and my other dogs attack him whenever they see him. I'v been trying to socialize them and i think they're making progress, but my big dog still growls at him. Last time, they saw eachother, my big dog attacked him.…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How do i introduce my new puppy to my other dogs?...

    • How do i introduce my new puppy to my other dogs?

      How do i introduce my new puppy to my other dogs? Other Pet Discussions
      I just bought a new minerature poodle and my other dogs attack him whenever they see him. I'v been trying to socialize them and i think they're making progress, but my big dog still growls at him. Last time, they saw eachother, my big dog attacked him. What do i do?

      How do i introduce my new puppy to my other dogs?

      How do i introduce my new puppy to my other dogs? Other Pet Discussions
    • I would suggest supervised playtime, lots of perseverance and if the dominant dog has a sleeping blanket or something, let the smaller dog sleep on it, or wear it when the dogs are playing together, this will allow the bigger dog top smell its own scent and not feel threatened.

    • older dogs have established their place in their "pack". Puppy is learning it's place. time will resolve this issue, but until then, keep dogs apart unless you are there to supervise their activities, and praise all positive actions, just like you would a child. been there, done that.