How do I get my cat to use the litterbox everytime?

My cat is 18 years old. She has been around forever. She will use the litterbox to pee and that's it. I really don't like finding surprises on the floor when I wake. Help. What can I do to insure she stops this behavior?

    How do I get my cat to use the litterbox everytime?

    My cat is 18 years old. She has been around forever. She will use the litterbox to pee and that's it. I really don't like finding surprises on the floor when I wake. Help. What can I do to insure she stops this behavior?...
    Other Pet Discussions : How do I get my cat to use the litterbox everytime?...

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    • How do I get my cat to use the litterbox everytime?

      How do I get my cat to use the litterbox everytime? Other Pet Discussions
      My cat is 18 years old. She has been around forever. She will use the litterbox to pee and that's it. I really don't like finding surprises on the floor when I wake. Help. What can I do to insure she stops this behavior?

      How do I get my cat to use the litterbox everytime?

      How do I get my cat to use the litterbox everytime? Other Pet Discussions
    • She is 18. Maybe she can't make it to the litter box anymore. I don't think that you will be able to do anything to stop picking up these "surprises"..unless you are wanting to get rid of her. Oh...maybe you can add another litterbox to your home. The more you have..the closer she will be to one at all times.. the less possibilities of accidents.:)

    • Gather up some of her poop, and put it in the litter box. Make sure she knows it is in there. She'll smell that in there, and she will continue to go in there. Does she always go in a certain spot in the house? It will be the same for the litter box if you do that. See if that works. But if not, she might be to old to teach something like that to her. Hope things work out for you. Have a great day :)

    • maybe it has something to do with her age, most cats are very easy to potty traini would suggesst starting her over like you would a kitten, take her to the box over and over and scratch her feet in it and she should go in there, make sure to keep it clean.

    • Sometimes cats don't like to pee and poop in the same box. If you can, get her a second box. Often cats are finicky about how clean the box is. Try to scoop it often. You might have to confine her to a single room--at least when you aren't there to supervise her. You might consult with a vet too--just to rule out medical problems.

    • Make sure she is not trying to tell you something with her "surprises". The vet has told me in the past this is one way cats communicate with their owners regarding health issues, etc. Has your vet given you any advice?? Her age being what it is, I would check it out with him/her.

    • 18 is old for a cat, be forgiving of her, she is probably losing some bowel control.. maybe just keep her in the room where the litter box is for the night, but otherwise dont worry about it - you will be old too one day