How to introduce a puppy to a kitten?

My kitten is almost a year old. She is probaly about 9-11 months old.They puppy is about 7 weeks old.They are about the same size.The cat is the one that I'm a little woriied about. She has hiss at the puppy once. She is very outgoing so I don't know how…

    How to introduce a puppy to a kitten?

    My kitten is almost a year old. She is probaly about 9-11 months old.They puppy is about 7 weeks old.They are about the same size.The cat is the one that I'm a little woriied about. She has hiss at the puppy once. She is very outgoing so I don't know how…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How to introduce a puppy to a kitten?...

    • How to introduce a puppy to a kitten?

      How to introduce a puppy to a kitten? Other Pet Discussions
      My kitten is almost a year old. She is probaly about 9-11 months old.They puppy is about 7 weeks old.They are about the same size.The cat is the one that I'm a little woriied about. She has hiss at the puppy once. She is very outgoing so I don't know how long it would take on their own.

      How to introduce a puppy to a kitten?

      How to introduce a puppy to a kitten? Other Pet Discussions
    • first off good luck with that it would be more introducing the cat to the puppy because the kitty is older the puppy is younger the puppy shouldnt have a problem with the kitty but the kitty might have a problem with the puppy so put them down on the floor together and keep a close eye on them and let them work out how to get along on there own

    • I recommend you take two peole (one hold each animal) and introduce the animals at a distance at first. If they react negatively at a long distance don't force the issue. If they continue to be non-hostile (maybe just mildly annoyed is fine) then move them closer together. By this means you can establish whether they will get along, the sooner they are introduced the better. God luck to you!

    • introduce them carefully. the kitten will be more scared then the puppy so watch the kitten, if he shows any signs of fear pull them away from each other. try again later. eventually they will learn to live together.

    • When I introduced my dog to my cat, I had to be very aware to not pay more attention to one or the other. It's almost like bringing a new baby home. It takes patience and time. You just need to be aware that no one is getting jealous, and show them how to play together. GOOD LUCK!!

    • Sounds to me like you already introduced them, but they don't get along yet. Just give them time. The cat will let the puppy know if it's too close, and the puppy will learn. They could become cuddle buddies, or end up completly ignoring each other. But I doubt they'll fight, so just let 'em do their thing. Just like humans, some of us connect right away, and some of us... never.