how do i get rid of a pesky bird on my patio?

there is a trellis above my patio and this bird flies up and down and hits his head constantly on the trellis. very annoying. i rearranged the furniture, but he still keeps doing it. i guess i have made him mad and he is now pooping on my car, even…

    how do i get rid of a pesky bird on my patio?

    there is a trellis above my patio and this bird flies up and down and hits his head constantly on the trellis. very annoying. i rearranged the furniture, but he still keeps doing it. i guess i have made him mad and he is now pooping on my car, even…...
    Other Pet Discussions : how do i get rid of a pesky bird on my patio?...

    • how do i get rid of a pesky bird on my patio?

      how do i get rid of a pesky bird on my patio? Other Pet Discussions
      there is a trellis above my patio and this bird flies up and down and hits his head constantly on the trellis. very annoying. i rearranged the furniture, but he still keeps doing it. i guess i have made him mad and he is now pooping on my car, even though the car is under a covered carport. sometime told me to put out a bowl of bleach; this is not working.

      how do i get rid of a pesky bird on my patio?

      how do i get rid of a pesky bird on my patio? Other Pet Discussions
    • an air rifle will take out that little freak or some posioned bread. blow that thing out the sky. its no crueler than feeding it bleach. or maybe some rat poison. and a mouse trap loaded with bread.splat. or a plastic preditor will maybe keep it away. an owl or another bird of pray

    • keep a cat just kidding I am not sure of what you could do. Try spraying windex outside on the places he goes. Or just call like ASPCA tell them you have a pesky bird and they'll catch it. hope i helped. good luck =)

    • The bird probably has a reason for being there. Like building a nest? Perhaps having a nest full of babies already? I don't think that birds poop out of spite; it's probably just hanging around a lot. Nature calls when nature calls.If you have a nest there, you may have to wait until its young are old enough to leave.