Where can I find information on different cocker spaniel hair cut styles?

How do I describe what I want the groomer to do? Are there names for styles?

    Where can I find information on different cocker spaniel hair cut styles?

    How do I describe what I want the groomer to do? Are there names for styles?...
    Other Pet Discussions : Where can I find information on different cocker spaniel hair cut styles?...

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    • Where can I find information on different cocker spaniel hair cut styles?

      Where can I find information on different cocker spaniel hair cut styles? Other Pet Discussions
      How do I describe what I want the groomer to do? Are there names for styles?

      Where can I find information on different cocker spaniel hair cut styles?

      Where can I find information on different cocker spaniel hair cut styles? Other Pet Discussions
    • Just explain what you want'''' If you want to have the dogs hair cut close to the skin called a puppy cut or if you want to close cut the back and leave the sides long ..The long sides are called skirts. I prefer to puppy cut in the spring and summer it is cooler for them . Most groomers will ask you what you want just explain to them . They are there to please you so that you will return . Hope this helps

    • there are names for different styles, ask your groomer for some pics. any good groomer keeps a book of clips for all breeds. if you showing you should stick to the traditional clip for a cocker. otherwise you would be able to show at all.

    • Here is a site with 300 pictures of Cockers. If you see a style you like, take the pic to your groomer. >> http://images.google.com/images?svnum=10&hl=en&lr=&rls=GAPB%2CGAPB%3A2005-09%2CGAPB%3Aen&q=cocker+grooming+&btnG=Search