How do I keep my cat calm on a long car ride?

My cat hates being in the car and crys the entire time, the longer he is in the car the louder it gets. I am moving a few states away and will need to have him in the car for at least seven hours. I will go crazy if I have to listen to his crying that…

    How do I keep my cat calm on a long car ride?

    My cat hates being in the car and crys the entire time, the longer he is in the car the louder it gets. I am moving a few states away and will need to have him in the car for at least seven hours. I will go crazy if I have to listen to his crying that…...
    Other Pet Discussions : How do I keep my cat calm on a long car ride?...

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    • How do I keep my cat calm on a long car ride?

      How do I keep my cat calm on a long car ride? Other Pet Discussions
      My cat hates being in the car and crys the entire time, the longer he is in the car the louder it gets. I am moving a few states away and will need to have him in the car for at least seven hours. I will go crazy if I have to listen to his crying that long. Any suggestions?

      How do I keep my cat calm on a long car ride?

      How do I keep my cat calm on a long car ride? Other Pet Discussions
    • Give him plenty of breaks, and if you are on quiet roads you could hold him on your lap for a little, as long as he is safe there. Also, try to distract him with toys and stuff. Good luck!

    • talk to your cat tell him he will be ok and pet him tell him you love him and talk to him like how big your new home will be what he able to do things like that

    • If you can bring someone on the trip there with you. Get the person to hold the cat while you drive. I find holding a cat wrapped in a blanket, towel, whatever... just keep petting it, talk to it, and hold on to in tight (but not squeasing) and if you can take breaks and let it out of the car and walk around for a bit. (on a leash) so it doesn't run away, or get hit by a car. It worked for me on a 6 hour drive...good luck!

    • Believe it or not, putting a clothespin on the nap of a cats neck relaxes cats. I don't know why, but it works. If you have seen a mother cat pick up a kitten. She grabs it by the flesh on the back of the neck. The kitten just curls up into a fetal position until released. Does not hurt cat. Shown to me by our Veterinarian.

    • A vet can give her a seditive that will keep her calm. Get it from the vet and follow the instructions carefully. You may also want to try is once a few days before to see how your cat will react and to try giving it to her as many cats dislike pills. most owners of nervous cats will use this during a long, necessary trip. It's much easier than riding for several hours with a howling cat.