What kind of cat would be a good companion for my cat?

I am in search of a compaion for my kitten. He is ten months old and neutered. What gender and kind of cat will make the best companion for him? There aren't any ads in the paper, any suggestions as to where else I might look? Thanks!

    What kind of cat would be a good companion for my cat?

    I am in search of a compaion for my kitten. He is ten months old and neutered. What gender and kind of cat will make the best companion for him? There aren't any ads in the paper, any suggestions as to where else I might look? Thanks!...
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    • What kind of cat would be a good companion for my cat?

      What kind of cat would be a good companion for my cat? Other Pet Discussions
      I am in search of a compaion for my kitten. He is ten months old and neutered. What gender and kind of cat will make the best companion for him? There aren't any ads in the paper, any suggestions as to where else I might look? Thanks!

      What kind of cat would be a good companion for my cat?

      What kind of cat would be a good companion for my cat? Other Pet Discussions
    • I'd say another male. Female is good too, but they tend to be more Territorial.If it were a female kitten though, that probably wouldn't happen as the kittens grow up with each other and stay friendly.I'd defiantly say get a kitten though, not an older cat.

    • Go to your local animal shelter! Look for another similar aged kitten, also male, so you don't get more kittens later. But since they are male...have them neutered!!! If you don't you'll be sorry later....eeeewwwwwwww

    • most domestic cats make good companions for each other. I would suggest either another neutered male or a spayed female(a little less moody). Try the local animal shelter.

    • Trust me, no matter what gender of cat you get... there will be plenty of hissing and spitting going on for a little while.They will be friends eventually, most likely. Introduce them slowly.As for finding a kitten, ask your friends and aquaintenances, or shelters also need people to adopt cats they have.

    • Try the humane society! Most pets there have cards with their histories on them, so you can see if they get along with other cats, dogs and children. Half the time people bring perfectly wonderful pets to the humane society because they're allergic, or moving to an apartment. I got my cat and my dog there, and they're wonderful pets. Petfinder.org will let you search for an animal or an animal shelter in your area, and has pictures and histories about each animal they list. The Humane Society website also lets you find a shelter in your area, and then lists animals they have up for adoption.

    • Most kittens will get along with another kitten...I would recommend a neutered male of approximately the same age as yours. Check your local pet shelters too before you get one from the paper. You might find a nice older cat. A female kitten would be good too, but she would consider herself to be on the top of the heap and they would have a tendency to tussle a bit until they got the pecking order worked out. Good luck and pet kitty for me.