How long does it take for a female miniature daschund to carry puppies?

How long does it take from the time she has her periods till the time she comes into heat? How long will she stay in heat? how do you know if she actually got pregnant?

    How long does it take for a female miniature daschund to carry puppies?

    How long does it take from the time she has her periods till the time she comes into heat? How long will she stay in heat? how do you know if she actually got pregnant?...
    Other Pet Discussions : How long does it take for a female miniature daschund to carry puppies?...

    • How long does it take for a female miniature daschund to carry puppies?

      How long does it take for a female miniature daschund to carry puppies? Other Pet Discussions
      How long does it take from the time she has her periods till the time she comes into heat? How long will she stay in heat? how do you know if she actually got pregnant?

      How long does it take for a female miniature daschund to carry puppies?

      How long does it take for a female miniature daschund to carry puppies? Other Pet Discussions
    • gestation is 63 days from the first breeding. She can come into heat as early as 6 months of age. Easy rule to remember is they have heat every 6 months. a week coming into heat (they won't stand for breeding but the males will be very interested), a week in heat ( she will stand for breeding) and a week going out of heat ( she will stand for breeding). The easiest way I know to tell if they are pregnant is that the nipples will swell. If you want to know for sure you can take her to the vet for tests or ultra-sound.

    • Approximately 6 months between estres(heat) and about a three week duration. The crucial period is in the middle which you will see a passive stance of willingness to be mounted. 21 days to be safe. Two complete months of gestation from time of conception.

    • A miniature Doxie should not be bred until she is two years old.Doxies have such spinal/back problems that she needs to be fully developed herself before producing puppies.So, the first 'heat' after her second birthday should assure mom and babies' best health.The answers above are correct, but thought you should know this.

    • Hello. it takes sixty days from the day of the conception.When she starts her period,then you can bank on it she's in heat.Most bitch dogs stay in heat any where from ten to fourteen days...and that's only depending on your dog.The best way is to have her a check up with her vet.You can also tell about fifteen days later, and check her breast. The dogs nipples will start to get larger.Good luck !