How can i make my cat get along?

I have a cat who will not get along with our dog. She beats up on the dog. We also just got a new cat. My old one isn't very nice to either of them. In fact she beats up on our full grown dog. Does anyone have any advice or tips?

    How can i make my cat get along?

    I have a cat who will not get along with our dog. She beats up on the dog. We also just got a new cat. My old one isn't very nice to either of them. In fact she beats up on our full grown dog. Does anyone have any advice or tips?...
    Other Pet Discussions : How can i make my cat get along?...

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    • How can i make my cat get along?

      How can i make my cat get along? Other Pet Discussions
      I have a cat who will not get along with our dog. She beats up on the dog. We also just got a new cat. My old one isn't very nice to either of them. In fact she beats up on our full grown dog. Does anyone have any advice or tips?

      How can i make my cat get along?

      How can i make my cat get along? Other Pet Discussions
    • Hope and pray. They will either learn to tolerate each other, or they will always fight. It sounds like you have a very dominant personality cat, and it will always be that way.

    • How long has this been going on?Sometimes it takes a year for pets to adjust.There is a pheromone spray that you can get from the Vet, this will help easy the transition.Also try Bach flower essences, I know people that have had great success with flower essences.

    • They have this stuff called good cat. You can buy it at petco. It's supposed to make them less territorial and aggressive. My cat is pretty much the same way around other animals except for our other cat. She is dominant and lets everyone know it. We got a puppy and she hates her. She is just now after almost 3 weeks not hissing all of the time. I looked it up on line and there are ways to make the adjustment easier like making sure she gets plenty of attention so she doesn't think she is being replaced.

    • that's typical for an older cat-my oldest never really was too happy when i got 3 other cats after her, but i think she's grown accustomed to them over the years and now just puts up with'll take some time for her (have patience) i know it's hard.good luck