What kind of spider is hanging in front of my house?

I live in northern Houston, and in my front yard there's a huge spider web with a tiny yellow spider in the center. It looks distinctively like a crab, with a circular yellow body and with black triangular shapes on the sides (two on each side, and two…

    What kind of spider is hanging in front of my house?

    I live in northern Houston, and in my front yard there's a huge spider web with a tiny yellow spider in the center. It looks distinctively like a crab, with a circular yellow body and with black triangular shapes on the sides (two on each side, and two…...
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    • What kind of spider is hanging in front of my house?

      What kind of spider is hanging in front of my house? Other Pet Discussions
      I live in northern Houston, and in my front yard there's a huge spider web with a tiny yellow spider in the center. It looks distinctively like a crab, with a circular yellow body and with black triangular shapes on the sides (two on each side, and two on the top.) The yellow part also has black spots on it.I was thinking this might be a Texas crab spider, but the google image searches all bring back normal-looking spiders, not crab-looking spiders. If you see it up close, first impression is that it's a small, yellow crab.Any ideas?It isn't a babana spider, but thanks for the idea. I honestly have no idea what it is. I'm keeping my distance though.

      What kind of spider is hanging in front of my house?

      What kind of spider is hanging in front of my house? Other Pet Discussions
    • The yellow garden spider is common and one of the largest spiders that we have. The huge orb webs can be found along the roadside, edges of woodlots and often around homes. This spider goes by many other common names including: black and yellow argiope, writing spider, golden garden spider. I have even heard people call them milk spiders or banana spiders. The name banana spider should be reserved for some tropical spiders that show up in the grocery on banana bunches.Check out the link it has a picture maybe this will help