What kind of aquarium creatures can you breed and make a business?

I need to make a home business selling some kind of pet. I have experience with reef tanks and KOI and had some really nice setups but I don't have them anymore, and I knew breeding most species is complicated and its not really profitable. Unless, you…

    What kind of aquarium creatures can you breed and make a business?

    I need to make a home business selling some kind of pet. I have experience with reef tanks and KOI and had some really nice setups but I don't have them anymore, and I knew breeding most species is complicated and its not really profitable. Unless, you…...
    Other Pet Discussions : What kind of aquarium creatures can you breed and make a business?...

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    • What kind of aquarium creatures can you breed and make a business?

      What kind of aquarium creatures can you breed and make a business? Other Pet Discussions
      I need to make a home business selling some kind of pet. I have experience with reef tanks and KOI and had some really nice setups but I don't have them anymore, and I knew breeding most species is complicated and its not really profitable. Unless, you know of some varieties of sea creatures or freshwater creatures which can be bred at home without complicated setups and still make a business. 5 points!

      What kind of aquarium creatures can you breed and make a business?

      What kind of aquarium creatures can you breed and make a business? Other Pet Discussions
    • Unless you have the cash to lay out for a large scale breeding operation and the time to devote to growing them up to salable size, you cannot really make a living by breeding fish. The most profitable are the African cichlids. You would need 50-75 tanks and at least 25-30 breeding pairs to get started. Then you would have to wait for the fry to grow to salable size (where they start showing colors of the adults). No one wants to buy small gray fish that "may" grow into beautiful adults.You can make some money with a small scale operation (15-20 tanks) and 5-10 breeding pairs, but probably only enough to pay for their food and part of the electric and water bills.I have 25 tanks and sell a lot of my fish at the local fish club auctions. I can pay for all their food and about half the electric bill. Water comes out of my pocket. Currently I am trying to add some more tanks and get rid of some fish that don't sell well at the auctions so I can maybe pay the entire electric bill each month. I plan to specialize in the smaller Africans, the riverine species and some of the Tanganyikan species in addition to a few of the longfinned bushynosed plecos, both albino and brown.If you specialize in one desireable species (some of the harder to find ancistrus plecos are highly sought after), it might be possible to make a living, look at Jack Wattley and his discus operation. He gets $30-50 each for his color specialties. Quality fish, every one.Good luck if you try it. Wish me luck on my expansion.8

    • betta fish. you can sell them to your local petstores and everything.. it doesnt cost that much either and pretty easy from what i have reas. I'm going to find out this summer cuz i'm doing it so i can get a little extra green if you know what i mean

    • invest in custom made tank buy two sexually matured mottoro stingrays there pups sell 150 to 180 each. or breed any kind of stingray go to this website and see how much you could sell stingrays for http://www.aquabid.com/cgi-bin/auction/auction.cgi?fwstringray

    • You can breed bettas. First off, learn how to breed bettas by reading this: http://bettacare101.com/breeding/ Now buy however many sets of bettas you want to breed and all of the equipment. Then you can raise the betta fry and sell them to friends, family or whoever you want to.