How do you get pet urine odors out of hardwood floors?

The previous owner had a dog that urinated in a specific spot. Later my cats also chose to go in that spot at times.

    How do you get pet urine odors out of hardwood floors?

    The previous owner had a dog that urinated in a specific spot. Later my cats also chose to go in that spot at times....
    Other Pet Discussions : How do you get pet urine odors out of hardwood floors?...

    • How do you get pet urine odors out of hardwood floors?

      How do you get pet urine odors out of hardwood floors? Other Pet Discussions
      The previous owner had a dog that urinated in a specific spot. Later my cats also chose to go in that spot at times.

      How do you get pet urine odors out of hardwood floors?

      How do you get pet urine odors out of hardwood floors? Other Pet Discussions
    • use a tiny bit of pine sol in some warm water....rinse the spot a couple of times. I had the same problem in my old house too. I ended up using a splash of ammonia so that the cat wouldn't even get near that spot on the floor.

    • there is a sealant out there called "kilz", it might come in clear form...we used the white kind because we were putting new flooring over the old one, but im sure it may come in clear

    • If you are able resand that area of the floor and revarnish ? This will seal in the smell. I had to paint my wood floor areas to get rid of the smell. In my first house. No one would buy the house because it smelled so bad!

    • I never had this problem on hardwood floors, but one of my cats peed on the carpet, and the carpet is actually on hardwood floors. Anyway, I bought all kinds of enzyme cleaners from the pet stores, I tried scrubbing, and nothing worked, until I tried Nok-Out. It's a product that was originally designed to get rid of the heavy smells in morgues, but it works great on cigarrette smoke, and all kinds of bad odors. If you are going to spend money on something, I would try this. You need to soak the area with the product (you can mix it with water) and then cover it with plastic bags, to keep the humidity in so that the enzymes can do their job. You might have to do this a couple of times, but it's the only thing that worked for me. Even in the summer, when the room is very hot, you cannot smell it. Good luck. Try their website:

    • Google search it but I think vinegar and water works. But you might want to check if that will discolor your floor. You might want to investigate before trying anything.

    • Spray the spot heavily with this stuff called Approach. You can get it at It's a natural biological odor eliminator and it works great. My dog Sophie used to have a "favorite spot" because she kept smelling her own urine scent there and knew it was a place she could use. After I sprayed it with the approach stuff, she couldn't find the exact spot and I was able to get her better housebroken and take her outside (works with cats too). Spray until the odor goes away and keep your pets from any more 'accidents' and the odor won't come back. (You can also pour it onto the floor or add it to a floor-cleaning machine).It's water-based and safe so don't worry if the cats lick at it or you spray it on them or yourself. :)Good luck!