What's the best way to alleviate arthritis symptoms in dogs?

My 10 yr old yellow lab was just diagnosed with arthritis. She's absolutely fine, most of the time, runs, swims, etc. But, she has days, when she can not put any weight on her right front paw. The Vet gave me medacam, and that works very well. But is…

    What's the best way to alleviate arthritis symptoms in dogs?

    My 10 yr old yellow lab was just diagnosed with arthritis. She's absolutely fine, most of the time, runs, swims, etc. But, she has days, when she can not put any weight on her right front paw. The Vet gave me medacam, and that works very well. But is…...
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    • What's the best way to alleviate arthritis symptoms in dogs?

      What's the best way to alleviate arthritis symptoms in dogs? Other Pet Discussions
      My 10 yr old yellow lab was just diagnosed with arthritis. She's absolutely fine, most of the time, runs, swims, etc. But, she has days, when she can not put any weight on her right front paw. The Vet gave me medacam, and that works very well. But is there anything else I can do for her?She is at her normal weight, about 62 pounds, she is definitely not over-weight. She swims in the pool daily (usually several times, even when the leg acts up). I do give her glucosamine supplements (in honey). I'm interested in the magnetic therapy, do they make small mattress pads for dog beds?She;s definitely not overweight, and I dont think she did anything to the paw, because it hurt initially, but then was absolutely fine for about a month, and then back to holding it in the air. I was really beginning to think the arthritis diagnosis was not right, until she started limping on it again...I'm not that familiar with arthritis, is that how it is, comes and goes?

      What's the best way to alleviate arthritis symptoms in dogs?

      What's the best way to alleviate arthritis symptoms in dogs? Other Pet Discussions
    • It really helps if an arthritic dogs maintains a healthy body weight. We rescued a 14lb Chihuahua mix with arthritis and when she got down to 7lbs, she no longer needed the meds and she's 17 years old.

    • You can try glucosamine or a glucosamine/condroitin combo. You can get it at Petsmart. Metacam is a wonderful product but there are other medications that can be used as well. Two of them being Rimadyl, also known as carprofen, and Deramaxx, also known as deracoxib. Both of which are NSAIDs and if she stays on either one of these medications she will have to be tested at least once a year for her liver function because it may have an effect on the liver. As always, ask your veterinarian for the best advice.

    • I can only tell you that my 9++ year old Great Dane is on supplements of MSM, glucosamine chondroitin, fish oil and ester C. She's doing so well that I put my husband on it for his arthritic knees -and it's also helped him. <g>Has your lab sprained her paw? If so, it would resolve faster if you can restrict her activity for a little while. There are supports you can get for them, too -try handicappedpets.com for some examples.

    • Make sure the dog is not overweight, and you feed her quality food and treats.I also purchased a pet bed called Gelpedic. My dog absolutely loves the bed, and she seems to have more spring in her step. Good luck.

    • Ask your vet about deramaxx or Rimadyl. These are anti-inflammatory chewable medications. If your vet thinks these meds would work for your pet, which they should unless your dog has an existing thyroid condition or kidney failure. you will see a great improvements after you give her this. These meds are used for arthritis,post surgical,hip displysia and many more.