What is the biggest fish you can keep as a pet?

I don't want one,just curios.Please say the fish size,tank size,life expectancy,and if you have any experience with them.Picture is optional,but appreciated.Thank you!

    What is the biggest fish you can keep as a pet?

    I don't want one,just curios.Please say the fish size,tank size,life expectancy,and if you have any experience with them.Picture is optional,but appreciated.Thank you!...
    Other Pet Discussions : What is the biggest fish you can keep as a pet?...

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    • What is the biggest fish you can keep as a pet?

      What is the biggest fish you can keep as a pet? Other Pet Discussions
      I don't want one,just curios.Please say the fish size,tank size,life expectancy,and if you have any experience with them.Picture is optional,but appreciated.Thank you!

      What is the biggest fish you can keep as a pet?

      What is the biggest fish you can keep as a pet? Other Pet Discussions
    • Hey Dogs rule...They are illegal to export out of South America now but I've had them, friends have had them...Its a "Arapaima Gigas"...beautiful fish...largest on record is around 24 feet...http://www.saidaonline.com/en/news.php?go=fullnews&newsid=16799http://www.arkive.org/arapaima/arapaima-gigas/video-01.html

    • I would say the iridescent sharks are the biggest freshwater fish someone can keep. Not sure on saltwater. They get around 5 feet, need 5,000 gallon tanks, and live around 10 years.