Is it normal for 9 month old puppies to piddle when they are excited or scared?

I have a 9 month old Red Heeler and he always piddles when he's excited or scared. If someone tries to pet him he piddles. Will he grow out of this habit? How can I get him to stop?

    Is it normal for 9 month old puppies to piddle when they are excited or scared?

    I have a 9 month old Red Heeler and he always piddles when he's excited or scared. If someone tries to pet him he piddles. Will he grow out of this habit? How can I get him to stop?...
    Other Pet Discussions : Is it normal for 9 month old puppies to piddle when they are excited or scared?...

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    • Is it normal for 9 month old puppies to piddle when they are excited or scared?

      Is it normal for 9 month old puppies to piddle when they are excited or scared? Other Pet Discussions
      I have a 9 month old Red Heeler and he always piddles when he's excited or scared. If someone tries to pet him he piddles. Will he grow out of this habit? How can I get him to stop?

      Is it normal for 9 month old puppies to piddle when they are excited or scared?

      Is it normal for 9 month old puppies to piddle when they are excited or scared? Other Pet Discussions
    • I used to have a Cocker Spaniel who'd do that if he got SUPER excited or got terribly surprised. It lessen when he matured, but there were still occasions where he'd pee due to getting excited by guests. The only thing I could suggest is to ignore his excitement. When he approaches guests or people, try resisting to pet him. :D

    • It's a normal thing a lot of dogs do it especially smaller ones. They just can't control their love and affection for you, and he will grow out of it but whenever he gets really excited there can beoccasionss where he will do it again..