How can I socialize and build a goo relation ship with my rabbit?

I just got my bunny yesterday and he doesn't seem to trust me. Whenever I pass by his cage he always stops what ever he is doing and freezes. He also starts to breath heavily. How can I take away the fear in him that he has about me.

    How can I socialize and build a goo relation ship with my rabbit?

    I just got my bunny yesterday and he doesn't seem to trust me. Whenever I pass by his cage he always stops what ever he is doing and freezes. He also starts to breath heavily. How can I take away the fear in him that he has about me....
    Other Pet Discussions : How can I socialize and build a goo relation ship with my rabbit?...

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    • How can I socialize and build a goo relation ship with my rabbit?

      How can I socialize and build a goo relation ship with my rabbit? Other Pet Discussions
      I just got my bunny yesterday and he doesn't seem to trust me. Whenever I pass by his cage he always stops what ever he is doing and freezes. He also starts to breath heavily. How can I take away the fear in him that he has about me.

      How can I socialize and build a goo relation ship with my rabbit?

      How can I socialize and build a goo relation ship with my rabbit? Other Pet Discussions
    • Let him be a couple days, let him get used to his surroundings and his cage, be there but crouch/ squat on the ground and whisper/talk in a comforting voice to him. My bunny is doing the same thing. I just got him like 3 days ago, but he is adjusted now. Just let him be familliar with his surroundings and with you being there and then you can start to pet him and play with him, but take it slow

    • you need to go slow..rabbits are by nature prey animals. Start by sitting quietly by his cage or allowing him to explore the room while you are sitting on the floor. Just quietly watch tv or read or some other quiet activity and let him come to you. Rabbits are also naturally curious and once he trusts you are not going to lunge at him he will not be able to help himself. He will just have to check you out. Something to know as well is that rabbits do not have bilateral vision like we do. They see 2 very separate fields of vision out of each eye. They also see very poorly close up and what is directly in front of them so fast movements will spook them. Just let him form the relationship on his terms.

    • How old is he? What i do with mine, is i let them out of their cage, lay on the floor on my stomach (your not huge this way comared to the bunny) and i tempt him to come close with some fresh veggies. Once he comes close and eats, pet him while softly saying his name, and show him your nice, and not a threat. Then after a while hold him in your lap for a couple minutes, but let him leave if he wants. Then soon you should be bonded with him well! Its worked on all of my rabbits!