What are some fun things to do with your horse, while your horse has fun too?

hiim on my moms account and to day a horse whisper came by and checked out my horse and he said you horse needs to have fun with you are riding him. and he also said your horse needs some neck exercises. what are some fun things to do when you ride your…

    What are some fun things to do with your horse, while your horse has fun too?

    hiim on my moms account and to day a horse whisper came by and checked out my horse and he said you horse needs to have fun with you are riding him. and he also said your horse needs some neck exercises. what are some fun things to do when you ride your…...
    Off Topic : What are some fun things to do with your horse, while your horse has fun too?...

    • What are some fun things to do with your horse, while your horse has fun too?

      What are some fun things to do with your horse, while your horse has fun too? Off Topic
      hiim on my moms account and to day a horse whisper came by and checked out my horse and he said you horse needs to have fun with you are riding him. and he also said your horse needs some neck exercises. what are some fun things to do when you ride your horse while your horse has fun too? and what are some nice exercises for your horses neck around the poll area?thanks so much!

      What are some fun things to do with your horse, while your horse has fun too?

      What are some fun things to do with your horse, while your horse has fun too? Off Topic
    • well for fun and a little break u could take ur horse on more trail rides and just walks around the stables to relax a lirttle if hes used to being on a short rein like dressage or something it would be nice for him to have a little break. for neck excersises have your hourse stretch his neck by having him touch each shoulder witht the tip of his nose

    • Things to do for fun with your horse, Play with him let in the arena and let him run around while you run with him or chase him. They truly love it, They Love if you play hide in seek kind of deal. My horse enjoys if I just let him run all around the arena and then do a catch me if you can play :-)Give them a ball of some kind a jolly ball or just a plan o basket or soccer ball and They will roll it around and such leave it in there stalls with him, (because they get bored to) and They will play with it and love it. Groom him, Braid hair just talk to him like he's a human they do enjoy it. All the attention as much as possible they LOVE IT!Just spoil them silly (-: I know horse allot of horse trainer's say oh don't do that it will give them bad habits and make them mean. You got to be kidding me, I have owned many horses and raised them and I request owners to spoil there horse silly because Happy horse, Happy Owner.Riding fun, Trail riding and run ... Horses all breeds enjoy being outside and free with there owner it's a huge connection you get between you and the horse. You and him all alone just talking to him,or her and it's a bond for life (-:Neck excises I suggest while your on your horse, just stretch his neck out while he stands still. Moving it left to right with his halter on him. They love when you rub them and stretch there necks .Oh if you "mock" your horse while playing with him, they will continue to do it back plus more... It's fun and Cute!