How long does it take for a baby green iguana to settle in?

I just got one and it doesnt seem to eat and is pretty jumpy if you touch him. Help cuz i dont want him to die.

    How long does it take for a baby green iguana to settle in?

    I just got one and it doesnt seem to eat and is pretty jumpy if you touch him. Help cuz i dont want him to die....
    Other Pet Discussions : How long does it take for a baby green iguana to settle in?...

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    • How long does it take for a baby green iguana to settle in?

      How long does it take for a baby green iguana to settle in? Other Pet Discussions
      I just got one and it doesnt seem to eat and is pretty jumpy if you touch him. Help cuz i dont want him to die.

      How long does it take for a baby green iguana to settle in?

      How long does it take for a baby green iguana to settle in? Other Pet Discussions
    • It can take awhile for them to settle in. For young iguanas in the new environment, it's a scary place, new things to look at, new things he/she could be scared of.If you have any other animals (cats/dogs) could also be causing stress.Sit by the tank, talk about the weather, whatever you feel like talking about, you could read a story ... it's to get your voice familiar. You should do this for a few weeks to months. Also, I would wait for about a week before doing this, but just placing your hand in the tank for a few times a day for like 5 mins, will help w/ him/her getting familiar to your sent/smell. Just place the palm of your hand at the edge of the tank, and just let is sit there, not too close, don't move it. He/She will probably freak out and go everywhere, just talk in a soft voice, not moving your hand. Yeah I know really boring.It can take a few weeks, few months, few years for your iguana to possibly tolerate you. It's up to the iguana if he/she will allow you to be his/her slave.When I first got my iguana she would whip her tail, open her mouth, I'd have to remove everything from her tank, just to get her into the bath tub. It took a few months before she stopped tail whipping me. Took about 5-6 months before she would take anything from my fingers.It takes time, time and even more patients.Hopefully you are providing the correct enclosure size, proper UVB, proper temps, proper food.* Since some people can not get correct information out for iguanas *Young iguana (8-12 months of age) should not live in anything smaller the a 55 gallon tank. Smaller the tank you can not process the correct temps threw out. Enclosure needs to be at least 1.5-2 times it's total length ... an adult you will need a space of 6-7ft tall x 8-10ft long x 4ft wide.Temps:never let drop below 70F ...basking 92-96F if temp is too low digestion is slowed too high food digests too fast and nutrition is lostmedium/middle (overall) 88-92Fcool 75-84Fat night 73-84F ... having a temp gun works the best to know what your igs body temp truly is.*** NO HEAT ROCKS PLEASE ... they can cause major burns on the under belly ... igs dont feel heat from below so they will sit there not knowing they are burning themselves ***Humidity:Iguanas are tropical and do need humidity. Spraying/Misting a few times a day will help some, silk fake leaves (bigger then your igs head) will help hold some humidity, having a humidifier or vaporizer next to the tank will help (figure out a way to pipe inside would be better but think child proof also), daily baths will help and learn to go potty in the tub less mess in tank.UVB: (12 hrs on during day - 12 hrs off during night no light)US: ReptiSun 10.0 distance 8-10 inches from your igs bodyRepti Glo 8.0 distance 6-8 inches from your igs bodyReptiSun 5.0 distance 6-8 inches from your igs bodyUK: Arkadia distance 6-8 inches from your igs body- You will need to adjust the distance as your ig grows- Using a shop light from a home improvement store works the best, get one that has 2 tube plugs and using 2 UVB tubes- The UVB listed are in tube form, using the 36-48inch tubes are the best more length for your ig- Surface under the UVB tube lights need to be a flat surface if at an angle your igs body will not get the proper UVB threw out- There are UVB's out there on the market now that can cause eye damange to your ig- W/out UVB your ig may end up w/ MBD (Metabolic Bone Disease)- UVB information that you may find interesting: - - covering:BAD floor covering: bark, dirt, moss, sand, pellets are all bad ... at some point your iguana will try and lick swallow and then possibly cause blockage which will then need to be surgically removed or possibly death ... SAFE floor covering: newspaper (unprinted), paper towels, towels, vinyl flooring, indoor/outdoor carpeting - if you have any lose fibers from the carpeting or the towels please remove and replace - unprinted newspaper if you possibly can use is safer just in case your ig likes to try and eat the newspaper some ink may contain soyFood:LISTED ABOVEAnimal protein:Iguanas are plant eaters, they should not be feed any animal protein. No meat/bugs, no dairy. If you ever give your ig iguana diet dried food, please read the ingredients there are so many products on the market today that clearly puts meat protein in there ingredients, usually w/ in the first 10 ingredients. Some that I am aware of that do MonsterDiet, TRex, Zilla, Wardley. RepCal Iguana pellets is one that is safe to use. Soak pellets before offering to help w/ hydration, only give a few pellets for you want the greens to be main diet.Vet:When you get an iguana you should take your ig to a herp/reptile vet that knows about iguanas. Just for a new pet check over. Your ig may have mites, parasites or other nasty things carried from the pet store. Plus if anything was to happen you know who to call w/out looking threw the phone book hoping you find a vet who knows something about iguanas. for you to read: - - great book to read and have on hand:Iguanas for Dummies by Melissa KaplanYahoo has some great sites for Iguana owners... these groups helped me and still help w/ questions .. if you'd like to join: -

    • get a good bulb for light..make sure the heat is around 83...dont put your hands in there for a few days,let him settle in....put some red leaf lettuce in there and walk away..