What kind of water to use in bowl for regular goldfish?

i just have 2 of them, do i use a certain kind of water or what?wait, so if i do use bottled water, does that have chlorine in it to?

    What kind of water to use in bowl for regular goldfish?

    i just have 2 of them, do i use a certain kind of water or what?wait, so if i do use bottled water, does that have chlorine in it to?...
    Other Pet Discussions : What kind of water to use in bowl for regular goldfish?...

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    • What kind of water to use in bowl for regular goldfish?

      What kind of water to use in bowl for regular goldfish? Other Pet Discussions
      i just have 2 of them, do i use a certain kind of water or what?wait, so if i do use bottled water, does that have chlorine in it to?

      What kind of water to use in bowl for regular goldfish?

      What kind of water to use in bowl for regular goldfish? Other Pet Discussions
    • I tend to use h2o but, when I'm in a good mood, I'll fill her up with tap water............................................On my fishes birthday, I'll use bottled water though........................

    • I bought a water pitcher at the dollar store and fill it with tap water and keep it under the sink to use for the fish. Just let it sit a few days so it is room temperature and has time to get what I call "flat"

    • regular water, use like a big round one that can hold both of them.if its a gold fish im sure that a round bowl will be fine now if its some really bigg fish then a tank.

    • You want to be sure to use dechlorinated water. The best thing to do is use room-temperature tap water and add a dechlorinating agent like Stress Coat to the water. You can find this at any pet store that sells fish. It's an even better idea to use spring water, though, if you can afford it. (And still use the Stress Coat.)

    • Goldfish are a member of the carp family and can take some pretty awful water. However, most cities put more awful stuff into the water than even these fish can tolerate without harm. So, if you must use city tap water, be sure and set it out in the sun for a few hours to evaporate the chlorine, flouride and other chemicals harmful to fish. If you can use purchased spring water, or other bottled water for drinking, that is far superior for the health of the fish. Be careful not to overfeed the fish as the rotting food they don't eat will contaminate the water really quickly too. And don't forget to change the water regularly as the fish poop will contaminate it too. Bottom line is fish can be more trouble than they are worth.

    • Goldfish require 50-100 gallons of decholrinated, room temperature water each.I doubt your bowl holds that much. Get them a tank, a pond, or return them to the pet store.

    • I have had a goldfish for 9 years and I also have three other fish tanks. For all of my fish, I use tap water and I condition it with stress coat. This removes the chlorine from the water and conditions the water for the fish. Also, I would recommend that you buy freshwater aquarium salt and put 1 tablespoon per 10 gallons. Do not use regualr salt...you have to buy the aquarium salt. Even though they are freshwater fish, they need some ions in the water to help prevent disease.

    • If your water is chlorinated with plain chlorine, the chlorine can evaporate on it's own from the water. However, some municipalities treat the water with chloramine, which will not evaporate on its own. The first link is an article regarding water.However, a goldfish bowl is not a good home for your fish, goldfish produce a lot of waste, and dirty their water in a short time. Also, abrupt changes in water quality are not healthy for your fish. The second link below discusses mini aquariums.This site was my favorite site to discuss freshwater fish. I especially enjoyed the forums. There were many people who were very knowledgeable and willing to help beginners.I am sure that you can find other articles about proper care of your fish.Enjoy your pet fish.

    • First get yourself a tank not a bowl, no fish belong in a bowl. If you have single tailed goldfish they need 15-20 gallons each. They can grow over a foot if given the chance to live long enough and dont die from too small a tank or deadly water.I use normal tap but I use Prime to dechlorinate it. It removes chlorine, chloramine and ammonia, it also detoxifies nitrite and nitrate.