What is the funniest thing your pet every did?

I would have to say the day my cat got his head stuck in a klennex box. I was watching tv and all of a sudden here comes my cat zipping backwards. To my amazement his head is stuck in a kleenex box. I was laughing so hard I couldn't even help him. …

    What is the funniest thing your pet every did?

    I would have to say the day my cat got his head stuck in a klennex box. I was watching tv and all of a sudden here comes my cat zipping backwards. To my amazement his head is stuck in a kleenex box. I was laughing so hard I couldn't even help him. …...
    Other Pet Discussions : What is the funniest thing your pet every did?...

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    • What is the funniest thing your pet every did?

      What is the funniest thing your pet every did? Other Pet Discussions
      I would have to say the day my cat got his head stuck in a klennex box. I was watching tv and all of a sudden here comes my cat zipping backwards. To my amazement his head is stuck in a kleenex box. I was laughing so hard I couldn't even help him. He finally back up between the chair and the table and got it off himself. Later that day I put the box in the middle of the room and he almost did it to himself again. Man, I still get tears in my eyes to this day thinking about it.OK, I just thought of another one. My cat Gizmo is really skitish. He freaks out at everything. One time he was smelling something. I had a marble from one of my kids in my hand and decided to throw it his way. He must of jumped a good 3 feet straight up in the air. I laughed so frikn' hard.

      What is the funniest thing your pet every did?

      What is the funniest thing your pet every did? Other Pet Discussions
    • Back a few years ago we got an Old English Sheepdog. When we first got him, we took him to a park to run and play. While he was looking around, we started walking the other way. He realized we had walked off, and starting running towards us. He was going so fast when he got to us that he couldn't stop. He tried to sit down to slow himself, but must have singed his butt on the asphalt because he got up again in a spilt second. I laughed so hard that there were tears running down my face.

    • I had a beagle and one day he was out back and wanted to get off the deck. we had a little wooden swinging gate and the dog tried to squeeze through the slats and got stuck halfway. The dog had his feet on the ground walking back and forth with the gate but couldn't get out. I had to take a picture before i helped him!

    • My cat is what you would call.."special" He's the only cat that i had to actually potty train. Anyway..the funniest thing he did was get stung by the same bee twice. He saw it buzzing around a door..so he decied to eat it...well it stung him on the tounge. While he was licking his paw he noticed it still buzzing around the door. He then proceeded to try to smash it with his paw...the bee stung him AGAIN. Not exactly the brightest cat I've had.

    • A girl i knew had a dog that went in the fridge when she opened the door. She then heard this wimpering opened the door and there he was.Goofiest thing mine ever did was had a blanket over his crate (back when he was a pup and slept in it) and he pulled the whole thing inside the crate (through a tiny hole) and made a puppy nest out of it.

    • The day she took a bite out of an ex boyfriend. It was funny she liked him until he broke up with me for my friend. I guess she picked up on my stress when he came by to pick up some clothes he had left. She just walked up to him and sunk her teeth into his shin. It was precious.

    • Sometimes my dog gets really excited and starts running around the house. And sometimes he'll be running so fast that he can't stop in time and he'll crash full-speed into the couch. Or when I call him in from outside, I'll stand behind the door and he runs full-speed into the house and sometimes he'll crash into the wall because he's running so fast. And it's so funny because he knows he's gonna crash into something and he's trying to stop, but he just can't stop in time. I laugh my a** off every time. I'm sorry. lol.

    • I was sitting for a cocker spaniel and I had one of those fart bags, you know, squeeze it it farts. Anyway, he's sitting looking up at me and I squeezed the fart bag. Upon hearing the noise he got up and looked at his butt. I thought, "no, this can't be happening" and tried it again, and again, and again. Each time he looked at his butt, thought he was the offender. Still kick myself for not getting it on video.

    • When I was a kid I used keep bubble gum in my jacket pocket . We had a Doberman for a pet and he used to go into my room, sniff out the jacket- and take the gum! But he'd leave the wrappers behind!I could never catch him in the in act - but I soon had to find a new hinding spot for my gum.

    • my cat sit on the back of the couch and sleeps and often falls of my dog when it is cold rolls himself up in his blanket to keep himself warm and then cant get out and another cat when ever he finds a plastick packet sticks his head into it and thinks you cant see him so he attacks me i love my animals

    • I would say, My cat loved chasing water out of the hose... he would flip in mid air. trying to get it... He was put to sleep because of OLD age... But my cat now is almost a year old. he don't take the place of my old cat by all means. helps having anther cat around... if U go in the bath room before U can even in there is cat will bet U in. love 2 set in the sink I have even him asleep in the sink. If are taking a shower he gets it the side of the shower and, will get right in the shower with U LOL**************ohhhhh How animals bring joy 2 UI could go on and on with this. cause I have 3 cats 3 dogs 3 birdsour house is full of joy **********Thanx 2 animals

    • me and my dog were playing i was chassing it with a vacume and she started attacking it lol!!!!!!!! she pulled the the sucker outta the vacume and the vacume chased after me and my dog

    • My dog was playfully growling at me to feed him, he is a rottweiler, and he was walking towards me when a grasshopper landed on his butt. When it hopped off, my dog must have felt it because he looked at his butt like it betrayed him. He took a few more steps and started growling at his butt!!! So hilarious and cute..