How can I get my dog to stop drinking from the fridge?

You know the freezers that have a handle looking thing you push and water pours out? Well when my dog is thirsty (and I leave water in a bowl for him everyday, but he never wants to drink out of it lol) and my dog will put his paw on the button and just…

    How can I get my dog to stop drinking from the fridge?

    You know the freezers that have a handle looking thing you push and water pours out? Well when my dog is thirsty (and I leave water in a bowl for him everyday, but he never wants to drink out of it lol) and my dog will put his paw on the button and just…...
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    • How can I get my dog to stop drinking from the fridge?

      How can I get my dog to stop drinking from the fridge? Other Pet Discussions
      You know the freezers that have a handle looking thing you push and water pours out? Well when my dog is thirsty (and I leave water in a bowl for him everyday, but he never wants to drink out of it lol) and my dog will put his paw on the button and just slurp away. And he'll do it at night so then he pees. I leave a towle on the floor just in case when he drinks from the fridge but how can i get him to stop?

      How can I get my dog to stop drinking from the fridge?

      How can I get my dog to stop drinking from the fridge? Other Pet Discussions
    • Ha ha ha that's funny, what a clever dog. Is there anyway to block off the kitchen with a dog gate? Or make him sleep in your room at night rather than letting him have free run of the house?

    • lol maybe he likes free flowing water instead of stagnant in a bowl, you can get a water bowl that you plug in and will flow out like a waterfall. I would also not let him run free around the house at night just in case.

    • I agree with Weimaraner Mom's suggestions. Side note, he probably likes it better because it is cooler than the water in his bowl though. That is a very smart dog.

    • And I thought my sister-in-law's Weim was clever because she learned to turn on the cold water faucet in their bathroom to get a drink! I would put up a baby gate to keep her out of the kitchen!

    • What a smart dog, first off!Try blocking the whole opening on the front of the fridge. You can make a little "door", by taping a piece of cardboard onto the fridge with a long piece of tape on the left side, and a small piece of tape on the right side. Then just peel back the short piece of tape when you need to open the cardboard flap to get water for yourself. Whenever he goes to the fridge, you're going to have to correct him with a stern NO, and pull him away from the fridge. Or, gate off the kitchen so he has no access to it. This is going to be one of those battles, like dogs who will get into the trash. Once they know where snacks (trash) or water(fridge) are available to them, they'll keep attempting to get at it.We used to have a yellow lab who learned how to turn on the bathtub faucet when he wanted a drink (he knew which one was cold water). The only way we could stop him, was to put a lock on the outside of the bathroom door, and kept it locked whenever he was home alone. Good luck!

    • thats cool, you could try putting it on the ICE option if you have one (idk if this would help but it might be funny....). or the crushed ice cause it makes alot of noise and it might scare him, some have locks, or you could try putting something behind it so he cant press it if you really have to.

    • my dog would do this too if she was tall enough... she TOTALLY knows the sound of the ice button and come running and waits for you to give her ice.maybe you can try keeping a covering over it? like tape a piece of paper over the whole.or, you might want to get one of those pouring bowls, its keeps flowing so it doesnt just sit there, so maybe he would like that, and you can put ice in it so it stays colder.but yes, VERY smart dog.